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  1. djackmac

    Macbook Pro Unibody Owners Rally to ME!!: Recommend Cooling Plate

    The one I use at home I got before they even thought of using usb powered fans on them. I got it probably 10 years ago or so. Its a hunk of black painted steel with 3 wide rows of small holes and between the three rows are 2 heatpipes. Works pretty well for dissipating heat, even if I'm using it...
  2. djackmac

    MacBook Pro won't boot up help.....

    Disk Warrior should be used with extreme caution. If it reaches step 5 of rebuilding the directory and gives you the message "speed reduced by disk malfunction" you'd better cancel the rebuild because your drive is going south and letting Disk Warrior chew on it is only stressing the drive...
  3. djackmac

    Airport Help Needed

    Go to the system preferences/network. It should say "new network interface detected" or something similar, and it will tell you what it is (should say airport). Go deeper into network settings by hitting configure on one of the connections until the option to apply is not greyed out. Hit apply...
  4. djackmac

    Help--Blinking Disk Disaster

    Yeah, Reinstalling Lion on a failing HD will have an effect on your files as in possibly never seeing them again. Worse thing that can be done is stressing the drive by trying to reload the OS, but people think all computers are like Windows machines and an OS reinstall will fix everything. I...
  5. djackmac

    Display fades

    Maybe try zapping PRAM. Would be interesting to know if happens on another monitor. If its an aging or heavily used LCD display could be a dying ccfl tube.
  6. djackmac

    Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

    Disk Utility/restore.
  7. djackmac

    Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

    I'm still at 10.6.8 myself. In my opinion its the last of the best Apple OS. It's lean and built for performance (requires 1/2 the RAM 10.7.5 and 10.8 need) and I can still run PPC apps (not that I want to all that much, but we have a really old Filemaker server database we use in the shop...
  8. djackmac

    rebooting MBA from old MB HD, possible or not?

    I'm assuming you have the old drive plugged into some kind of SATA/USB adapter? That won't boot the MBA because as a rule of thumb newer Macs won't boot versions of OSX that are older than the machine. However, just having the MBA booted normally and the old HD connected via USB, the MBA should...
  9. djackmac

    PowerMac G5 Wifi Bluetooth Installation

    You'll more than likely need to get the screw on external antenna also otherwise the signal range is going to be lousy.
  10. djackmac

    Problem imac 27

    That's exactly where the power supply is located. I've now seen two Apple cinema displays within a week or so that have the same problem and have a similar (if not the same) power supply.
  11. djackmac

    Spilled Coffee - Computer Saveable? Can't shutdown laptop/Keys stuck

    The Apple store is going to automatically quote it a tier 4 repair. Approximate cost of nearly $800. Doesn't matter if it only needs a top case or not. Whenever I do liquid spills. I do a complete tear down and can replace only parts that have been affected by the liquid. Quick question: Was...
  12. djackmac

    Insanely sloooow usb transfers....

    Was it a powered hub? Maybe old enough to only be usb1.0?
  13. djackmac

    External USB 3.0 Harddrive slow (NTFS)

    What brand is the usb3.0 drive? I've personally seen issues with the current Toshiba usb3.0 drives and Apple laptops. I've also seen online it's a known issue for just about all portables that there was no solution for (at the time). There was a couple workarounds for either using a powered usb...
  14. djackmac

    How I spent the 4th.

    Considering the age of the machine (if the machine in the sig and original drive?), I'd say more problems are on the horizon. Start shopping drive prices and make sure backups are up to date and good.
  15. djackmac

    Macbook & 1TB HD

    Make a clone or disk image with Data Rescue III. If the drive does not mount, clone it to another drive with DRIII. Then straighten out the drive you cloned to with Disk Warrior. If the drive does mount, make a disk image with data rescue III and make sure the disk image mounts afterward.
  16. djackmac

    Macbook & 1TB HD

    What part of use a retail 10.5.x or 10.6.x installer do you not understand? That's all it takes. There is no "issue" besides those installers don't work with the newer firmware on these drives.
  17. djackmac

    Macbook & 1TB HD

    I've seen the same issue a few times recently with those old 10.4.x OEM Intel installers and newer drives. Use a retail 10.5.x or 10.6.x installer and everything will work fine. Maybe something with the firmware on these newer drives that don't mesh with the installers code.
  18. djackmac

    My TimeMachine external backup disk stop work.

    You will need to use a good data recovery cloning tool like Data Rescue III to save whats on that drive and then possibly use Diskwarrior to work on the cloned drive. Don't keep trying to use something like Diskwarrior on what might be a failing drive if you hope to recover something from it.
  19. djackmac

    OS X 10.6.6 almost grinds to a halt

    If activity monitor isn't showing excessive CPU usage, and RAM is not showing excessive page outs I'd say its almost textbook symptoms of a failing hard drive.
  20. djackmac

    Replacing the HDD on my Macbook Air

    Starting a duplicate thread of the one you posted a few days ago won't get you what you want to hear and stands to annoy anybody on this board that may want to help.