Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

Will you upgrade to 10.8 Mountain Lion?

  • Yes, as soon as possible

  • Yes, but I'll wait for at least 10.8.1

  • NEVER!

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Crotchety UI Nitpicker
I'm still on Snow Leopard at home (Lion at work), and I'm not sure if I'll upgrade yet.

It might sound silly, but honestly the thing holding me back most is the scroll bars. I don't care that they look bad, but the complete lack of scroll arrows is infuriating to me. I was hoping Apple would add an option eventually, but it's been a long time and we still have no scroll arrows. All I can do is shake my head.

On top of that, since I do not use any iOS devices, it seems like Lion and Mountain Lion just don't offer much value to me.

So how about you? Are you upgrading? Is so, why? If not, why not?
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I upgraded already. Zero problems. The most notable change that I see and one that I have heard absolutely no one comment on is that the venerable File/Save and File/Save As... are now gone. They have been replaced by File/Save..., File/Rename..., File/Move..., and couple of other options. You can now rename documents within header of the File/Open... dialog box.

Oh, and another thing--the upgrade appears to have recovered about 2 GB of my hard drive.
Yes I upgraded to Mountain Lion but a problem I found with my USB3 drivers in my Mac Pro for my CalDigit card so I just have to wait for them upgrade the card.

One thing I found this new 10.8 dictation now works in this forum when writing a post. It feels like I'm really talking to you writing this post. I also discovered that just pushing return key turns the Dictation off.
I upgraded to 10.8 and have some weird problems with the desktop background picture. I have Apple's Aperture installed (the newest version) and use library "4 stars" (i.e. pictures that I have evaluated either as **** or *****) as source of the background. The picture should be randomly selected every hour. This worked fine on 10.7, but on 10.8 not all desktops (when rotating with Ctrl-Arrow) have my picture. Instead there is the space picture on some of the desktops.
I would if any of my computers supported it... Kinda blows. I don't feel like coughing up $1000-$2000 for some new features.

You should add a "Apple won't let me upgrade :(" option to the poll.
Yes I upgraded to Mountain Lion but a problem I found with my USB3 drivers in my Mac Pro for my CalDigit card so I just have to wait for them upgrade the card.

Update: I emailed CalDigit Support and they supplied me with a beta driver, they have for their USB3 cards, and emailed it to me. I had to use their deinstaller to get ride of the non-function 10.7 drivers before install their beta driver, that worked.
I would if any of my computers supported it... Kinda blows. I don't feel like coughing up $1000-$2000 for some new features.

You should add a "Apple won't let me upgrade :(" option to the poll.

Didn't think of that. Looks like I can't add options to a poll after creation, though.

I just realized that Lion was the first version of the Mac OS since 7.5 that I skipped. And if I skip Mountain Lion it will be the first time ever that I've been two versions behind.
One other thin about Lion's Notification. It took me a little while to discover I had to go to System Preferences->Notifications and set things up. It looks like if third party makes their program rightly then they will appear in notifications also.

I am really loving the iMessages App! Going from my iPhone, to my iPad or now Lion Mac i never miss a iMessage. To me this is going to eventually takes over from SMS. US Cell carriers are ripping us USA customers off on SMS since the being. :mad:
If you use Adobe software don't upgrade to Mountain Lion. I use Adobe Creative Suite CS6 apps all the time, but after installing Mountain Lion they now crash immediately after launching. The only one that doesn't is Photoshop. Many others report the same problem.
And I have tried every reinstall I could think of and so far have found no solution.
I just realized that Lion was the first version of the Mac OS since 7.5 that I skipped. And if I skip Mountain Lion it will be the first time ever that I've been two versions behind.

I'm still at 10.6.8 myself. In my opinion its the last of the best Apple OS. It's lean and built for performance (requires 1/2 the RAM 10.7.5 and 10.8 need) and I can still run PPC apps (not that I want to all that much, but we have a really old Filemaker server database we use in the shop daily). I would like to run a newer version of OSX to get more acquainted, but my work laptop doubles as my home laptop.

On another note, got two machines in the shop today with customers claiming installing 10.8 has bricked their machines. In Apples defense one turned out to be a bad HD, which in turn I had to do a data recovery of 215 GBs of non backed up, critical data. The other turned out to be a hosed directory structure that was likely hosed before the 10.8 install.
I bought ML and downloaded it. When I tried to make an install DVD, Disk Utility told me the disk wasn't big enough. OK, now what?
Where are you trying to burn the installer?
If you are using a DVD-R, then that's a quick fix - Mountain Lion needs a dual-layer DVD.
I have not tried a DVD with MLion, but have heard that the install is just not well optimized for use on a DVD. Much better is an 8GB flash drive, or a dedicated partition on a hard drive. I bet that 5.5 GB will probably give space enough for future updates to MLion.
You can easily find 8GB USB flash drives for 7 or 8 dollars - I like the idea of putting an OS X installer on fresh flash drive.
The most notable change that I see and one that I have heard absolutely no one comment on is that the venerable File/Save and File/Save As... are now gone. They have been replaced by File/Save..., File/Rename..., File/Move..., and couple of other options. You can now rename documents within header of the File/Open... dialog box.

This issue was number two of in my list of annoying Lion changes (after the removal Expose for all windows). Doing away with Save As… was dumb. But, it looks like Apple restored Save As… in Mountain Lion in a limited fashion.

I'll have to see about the Adobe CS launching problem on 10.8. I have CS 5.5.
Much better is an 8GB flash drive, or a dedicated partition on a hard drive. I bet that 5.5 GB will probably give space enough for future updates to MLion.

What's the proper procedure to "burn" a DMG to a flash drive? To a partition?
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What's the proper procedure to "burn" a DMG to a flash drive? To a partition?

There's a variety of methods.
One is to use Disk Utility, Restore tab.
Drag the .dmg to the source line, and drag the destination drive or partition to the destination.
If you have a MLion installer, then mount the .dmg. Right-click on the installer, and choose Show Package Contents. Open Contents, then the SharedSupport folder. The InstallESD.dmg is the REAL installer for MLion - and you can restore that .dmg to a partition, or a flash drive, again, using the Restore tab in Disk Utility.
Or, even easier, download "Lion Diskmaker", which makes the process really simple.
That works great to create boot disks for either Lion or MLion.
I'm still thinking about it. Fort the past few years I have updated my MacBook and run it for a week before doing the same upgrade to the iMac.

But now it tells me that my MacBook is too old to upgrade. So, will I run into problems running a lot of shared stuff on two different systems? Things like the IPhoto/Aperture library sync. Mail, Laser printer, etc.
Or, even easier, download "Lion Diskmaker", which makes the process really simple.

This didn't work for me. The application started, asked me whether L or ML, and after I chose ML, it froze and became unresponsive.

The DU method also didn't work. Near the end, it failed with some weird error which I didn't retain.

So I mounted the DMG and used SuperDuper! to copy it to the flash drive. OK and fast.

By the way, Walmart has a "rollback" to $10 for a 16gb PNY drive.

That got me remembering. I bought my first external drive in 1986, a whopping 20mb for $1100. That was $55,000 per GB. Today it's $0.62 per GB.