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  1. yomark

    Scroll Wheel doesn't Work

    Thanks!! I'll check that out!
  2. yomark

    Scroll Wheel doesn't Work

    I'm using Ventura 13.4.1 on my iMac, with an HP 2-button mouse with a scroll wheel. Not only has the scroll wheel stopped working, I just noticed the right and left-click buttons are ineffective as well. It's a pretty new mouse, so I'm doubtful it's failed, but think it's a software glitch...
  3. yomark

    What Specs Do I Need for an M1 Mac Mini?

    Thanks for all the advice guys. I'll keep it in mind.
  4. yomark

    What Specs Do I Need for an M1 Mac Mini?

    Thanks for reminding me about the need to configure the M1 with as much ram as I can. I HAD seen a YouTube video that mentioned that same fact. I suppose, then, that I'm asking what would the minimum amount of ram be to run (at least) the Adobe graphic design suite. The video production stuff is...
  5. yomark

    Get the Shots

    Yeah, but you can stick all those cool refrigerator magnets to yourself!!
  6. yomark

    What do you look like?

    You can’t fool me……that’s Tom Petty!!! ;)
  7. yomark

    What do you look like?

  8. yomark

    Get the Shots

    Oh, my LORD, it’s TRUE!!! (You know, though….if it improves my cell reception, I might be into it!) ;)
  9. yomark

    Get the Shots

    People are actually claiming that they're becoming magnetized by a flu shot?! I thought I'd heard everything!
  10. yomark

    Get the Shots

    That's pretty much what MY experience was. Yours was Moderna, too, then? (if it's okay to ask. People have been kind of touchy about all this)
  11. yomark

    My current desktop

    Nice design. What do those characters mean?
  12. yomark

    My current desktop

    I realize this reply is 10 years late in coming, but: Your set-up (at the time) was SWEET!!! (and still looks contemporary, btw). And your desktop bg/wallpaper is GRAND!!
  13. yomark

    My current desktop

    Awesome image! (Your Hard Drive icon is on the wrong side, though!) o_O
  14. yomark

    What Specs Do I Need for an M1 Mac Mini?

    I am a retired Graphic Designer, but now I want to re-start a freelance career/business. My present equipment is so old, and the operating system is so out-of-date that I find I need to start over. I’d like your advice on my tentative plans to purchase a new M1 Mac Mini, (with a new keyboard...
  15. yomark

    Videoconferencing on Zoom

    Thanks everybody for the help. Just to update y’all, I eventually bought a reasonably priced web-cam, and a USB microphone. I have my computer’s sound-out going into an aux input on my surround receiver (it’s been set-up like that for years). Now, of course, since the Vaccine, the question is...
  16. yomark

    Can I Get El Capitan to run Virtual Background in Zoom?

    Okay: So I'm running Zoom v5.1.2 on El Capitan (10.11.6), and Zoom says my version can't use the Virtual Background feature in Zoom. Is there any patch, work-around, or some other way of enabling the Virtual background with my software?
  17. yomark

    Videoconferencing on Zoom

    I need your help: I have: a) A Canon PowerShot A620 digital camera, and b) A Mac Mini (Intel) (Macmini3,1) running MAC OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.6). c) NEC 90GX2 LCD Monitor (19”) What else do I need, and how do I use these to videoconference through Zoom? Or: CAN I?
  18. yomark

    Required to enter Password to put a doc in Trash, in Lion 10.7.5

    I checked after your suggestion, and No, I do NOT have it turned on, but thank you.
  19. yomark

    Required to enter Password to put a doc in Trash, in Lion 10.7.5

    Half the time, when I move any file, folder, document……ANYTHING into the Trash, I get the pop-up requiring me to enter my system password. As you can imagine, not only is this annoying, but it can be quite time-consuming. I thought this was confined to items on my desktop, which I could live...
  20. yomark

    So My Mac Pro Is Dead... New Mac Time

    I've got no advice about replacement hardware for you, only comments: I feel you. MY 2006 Mac Pro recently died also: unrecoverable (according to the Repair Service I took it to). My previous Mac was a first-issue Mini. On the mini, I worked extensively in Photoshop, creating files hovering...