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  1. H

    Gimp Print Slow

    I've been forced into using gimp print to use borderless printing on my Epson. It's running, but it's real slow. Watching things in top, it looks like at least three different processes are passing around data, and my slow mac hates it. It starts paging out huge, and my memory's maxed. It...
  2. H

    sendmail "group writable" question

    I guess I'm wondering why this matters. Is this sendmail being picky, or is sendmail making note of a potential security risk?
  3. H

    sendmail "group writable" question

    Just got sendmail and qpopper set up. What a bear. It seems to be working, now I just need to make it more secure. My question: In my /var/mail.log I'm getting: forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward.tallbob+: Group writable directory forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward+: Group writable directory...