sendmail "group writable" question


Just got sendmail and qpopper set up. What a bear. It seems to be working, now I just need to make it more secure.

My question:

In my /var/mail.log I'm getting:

forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward.tallbob+: Group writable directory
forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward+: Group writable directory
forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward.tallbob: Group writable directory
forward /Users/hvolmer/.forward: Group writable directory

whenver the server receives something. These "directories" don't even exist.

I've ran all the chmods to /, etc... that everybody recommends, even put them in the daily job. (Seems like a bad fix.)

This doesn't seem to be causing problems, but I want to make sure, besides, it's a buncha junk in the log.

Thanks Heath
/Users is probably group-writable as well. Or maybe the user folder hvolmer - try checking those ones out.
I guess I'm wondering why this matters.

Is this sendmail being picky, or is sendmail making note of a potential security risk?