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  1. M

    Corrupt iTunes Help

    A good friend of mine has considerable amount of tunes in her library... her own discs and more importantly, things she has bought from the iTunes store. The problem is, iTunes is constantly looking for a file ending in .IETemp. I am pretty savy with Mac and am coming up empty handed on fixing...
  2. M

    WMP v. 10...

    You know, that is not necessarily a bad philosophy to have... Perhaps I should learn to adopt that same train of thought myself.
  3. M

    WMP v. 10...

    I am pretty sure I follow you... thanks for replying... Lycander
  4. M

    WMP v. 10...

    No river here... I would just hope that M$ would begin to generate more original material since they are the "empire" in the computing world instead of capitalizing on others ideas... yes, I know this is the trend in the computer world... doesn't mean I have to agree. BTW, I like the cinderella...
  5. M

    WMP v. 10...

    There are a few differences between the two.... but when I set my Powerbook and my Dell side by side, my fianceé immediately saw what I saw.. nearly an identical GUI. As I played with WMP a bit, I realized that it indeed does not have the ease of functionality of iTunes... use the visualizer as...
  6. M

    WMP v. 10...

    Anyone seen the latest from M$?!? I just found version 10 of their Media Player. I did install it on my 1 Windows machine (still have 3 Macs to the one)... and I am sorry... but this newest version is a direct rip off of iTunes.... When is Microsoft going to come out with something...
  7. M

    Newfound cleaner for your laptop

    Hey there everyone... I was recently on a business trip and a small tragedy plagued my G4 powerbook. I use my laptop day in and day out so setbacks are bad for me... well, I was at a small restaraunt when I splattered soda on my machine as I was filling my drink at the fountain. The sticky had...
  8. M

    iLife '04 install

    I have had iLife installed on two machines once already.... I am in the middle of rebuilding a lab before the students get back. I reformatted the drives and installed the apps. but iLife continues to come back with strange errors. The first one is that I have to use the DVD disc because I...
  9. M

    Os 10.3.7

    Just a thought, but have you removed the .plist file from your home directory preferences for Safari. I would just move it to another location... don't delete it necessarily. If you had to, you could also put the file back. By removing the .plist file, it should make Safari think that it is a...
  10. M

    Os 10.3.7

    I am glad to see that someone else has noticed the strange behaviors as of late with .7 ... I too am seeing similar things to what you are describing with my powerbook, particularly with Safari. For whatever reason.... my history is kept for the last week or so like normal, but when you go to...
  11. M

    10.2.8 - second time around. Do you trust it?

    I indeed waited on the first go around on the 10.2.8 update, however I took Apple's word on the second edition being better. Unfortunately, I have to admit that my Powerbook G4 is not the same. It was working fine until I updated. Now it seems to be "flakey." More obvious is that fact that I...
  12. M

    iMovie 3.0.3

    Whoops... sorry for the type-o I will need to give the update (v3.0.3) a whirl. I have it on one machine currently. I guess I was sorely disappointed in the accuracy of iMovie 3 in the begining. I have the updates mentioned... I usually have updates in general within hours of them being...
  13. M

    iMovie 3.0.3

    I run a lab of Macs. and my concentration is iMovie with college level students. Despite Apple's claims of the superiority of iMovie 3, I am regressing my lab back to ver. 2. I spent nearly the whole semester dealing with simple and dumb issues that ver. 3 had that 2 did not. Some of these...
  14. M

    [HOWTO] - Gain Missing Disk Space

    The best utility I have found by far for OSX and it is absolutly free is a program called, "Macjanitor." It is GUI based program that forces the already existing Apple Daily, Weekly, and Monthly scripts to run. These scripts clean up and compact the cache and other "behind the scenes" of OSX...