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  1. C

    what is the Tessera project, anyone knows?

    I read atMac OS History about a upcoming cpu code named the Tessera project, any one got any more rumors on this one?
  2. C

    NEW remarkable products

    Quote from steve jobs, you can read the it here . Anyone got any speculation what these NEW remarkable products would be? Maybe something to do whit Spruce and Nothing Real. I hope for a new "Digital hub device". And he says some so its sounds like it more them one product that is coming.
  3. C

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    The only people I have heard of using access is for asp db's.
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I dreamed on this for MacOSX, and hoped apple would use some way of iTunes like file browsing, the current way of browsing files is so old, it worked like charm when hardrives was ~ 1gb. Now days allmost everyone got ~ 20 - 40gb. Some of us have more like 100gb. Im thinking of writing something...
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Why did apple put contacts on the iPod, without a touchscreen on the iPod, it's kind of limited. Maybe in the end of the year the iPod hardware will sport a larger display and a touchscreen. I hope apple gets the act together. Contacts on a mp3 player whitout any kind of input device (other...
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Is this the big one? Keep your Newtons crossed. Does any one know if steves keynote will be broadcast over the net?
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Any one know if MacWorld Tokyo keynote will be broadcast over the internet? Who speaks at the opening keynote?
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    The 7110 is the closest you get to the Matrix phone, the snapout feature is important for the matrix felling .... :D
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Hell yea... I got 7110... ericsson cel phones looks boring. nokia phones are cool :D . Maybe sony/ericsson new phones looks better.
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I think that apple maybe is making a pda/cel phone. simular to handspring treo. Maybe something to do whit Apple+Ericsson+Sun. If they do, I hope that Ericsson DONT have anything to do whit the design of the device, Ericsson makes butt ugly cel phones. I live in sweden so I know :D .
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I agree whit AdmiralAK, the strong arm cpu is fast enough, the screen size on a pda is small enough for the cpu to deliver full screen movies.
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I read on a newton mailing list that some mebers think that apple will announce a new newton, 4 years after they killed it :D
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I dont mistrust you or your source, I hope you know what you talking about. Do you know how long thay have come in development ? Near feature complete, or are they just in the begining? I hope apple makes some hints before the sharp linux pda is realesed here in sweden.
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    If you want to read on the relationship between Apple and lain, see:
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I working on it :D
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I was watching the "fake ???" spymac iwalk videos yesterday. And then I played white my newton and I realised that alot of people dismisded the iwalk videos becuase they didnt belive a pda could do that kind of stuff. But my newton does 10x cooler stuff then showed on the spymac videos. Some...
  17. C

    What would you like Apple to make for your computing goodness?

    I want my newton back.... whit color screen and 5 gb hd and airport of course. see newton os3 dubbed "Navi"
  18. C

    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Why cant the technology described here be out today? 10gb of hardrive that small are out. Smaller than the original Newton, c'mon, the newton is ~5years old technology, its should not be so hard to make it smaller. Cocoa support, why not. If the OS is based on darwin it would be natural to use...
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    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I hope is airport ready. My university got wlan, nice to be online all the time :D . It would be perfet for me to record classes, store pdf's (dont have to carry books to school) and source code on that device. And of course a shit load of mp3's and some dilbert episodes. And then its up to...
  20. C

    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Anyone got anymore on this, i like these kinds of rumors....:D