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  1. R

    Problem With 10.1 Update

    Where did you download 10.1 from?
  2. R

    Disappearing Keyboard

    Nope, default Cube setup, the only thing I have added is memory.
  3. R

    Disappearing Keyboard

    Has anyone had this problem. While using Explorer, my keyboard stops working, or if I do not use the computer for a while, again the keyboard does not work. I have to reboot the system. Has anyone had this same issue? David
  4. R

    Startup disk issues

    Looks like that was it. Do not use Belkin USB hubs with OS X!!!! Thanks! David
  5. R

    Startup disk issues

    I installed Mac OS X on my Cube 450MHz 488MB RAM and 20 GB HD. The install went well and I started using the system. After a few hours of idle, the keyboard stops responding but everything else works. When I reboot, I get a flashing question mark. Did a reinstall and made sure that it boots...
  6. R

    Cube + MacOS X ? (Is this machine enough?)

    I have not been able to install on my Cube at all, I ave 448MB HD but everything else is default? Any suggestions?