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  1. J

    X not booting with CD in drive

    Why the heck has OSX just up and decided not to boot on us? I havent had any HD problems or anything like that.
  2. J

    FireWire and OSX?

    How do you get firewire to work in OSX? I'm running Final Cut Pro and I cant get it to see firewire under Classic. please Help.
  3. J

    Don't use telnet!

    I had to generate another Host_Key. I added it to my hostconfig and all is well. thnks to everybody for all you help. joseph
  4. J


    If you login to the Aqua interface as Root you will currupt your finder and OSX will act buggy and crash, causing you to REINSTALL!! DO NOT LOGIN TO AQUA AS ROOT!! I hope Apple fixes this bug, as ther are some important things i need to do in the GUI as Root!
  5. J


    If you login to the Aqua interface as Root you will currupt your finder and OSX will act buggy and crash, causing you to REINSTALL!! DO NOT LOG IN TO AQUA AS ROOT!! I hope Apple fixes this bug, as ther are some important things i need to do in the GUI as Root!
  6. J


    If you login to the Aqua interface as Root, you will currupt your finder and OSX will act hinky and crash, causing you to REINSTALL!!! DO NOT LOGIN TO AQUA AS ROOT!! I hope Apple fixes this bug soon, as there are things i need to do in the GUI as ROOT!!!
  7. J

    Don't use telnet!

    Here is what I got when I did excatly what you described. error: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ error: @ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ error: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ error: Bad ownership or...
  8. J

    Disabling animated effects in OS X

    The issue here is not weather the animation effects steals processor cycles or if ther look bothersome. The real issue here is CHOICE. We pay a priemum for Apple hardware and $30.00 for a public beta that should be free. We should be able to chose whether or not we want to see this effect...
  9. J

    Removing OS X

    Use the invisible file zapper of your choice and get rid of all invisible files that fall under the modification date of you OSX install. files like .kernal and .etc and .temp Once you get rid of those files OSX will install fine.
  10. J

    Maya for MacOSX!!

    I want to know if anyone out there that reads this list is beta testing Maya for OSX. If you are, how is it? Joseph
  11. J

    Don't use telnet!

    I rebooted, I rebooted again and nothing changed. Once again is there somthing I did not do, or something I need to do? Please help. joseph
  12. J

    JetClock Font

    I've tried Jetclock, and wClock and I've had trouble with them all. Ethier it's I cant change that stupid looking font in Jetclock or when I try to (option)move the position of wClock it jumps down to the bottom of the screen and will not move up to the menu bar!!!! When I try trashing...
  13. J

    Don't use telnet!

    I did just that "SSHSERVER=-YES-" but it did not work. did I do something wrong?
  14. J

    Don't use telnet!

    There are no man pages on hostconfig. If there is someone out there who can help me please do. All i need to know is exactly what to add to my hostconfig file here is an example of my file: ## # /etc/hostconfig ## # This file in maintained by the system control panels ## # Network...
  15. J

    Don't use telnet!

    I realize that the hostconfig file is a simple text file that I can open in Textedit, but exactly what do i add? What is the excat syntax and wording?
  16. J

    Don't use telnet!

    So how do you enable it? My friend and i tried it this weekend and we couldn't get it to generate a host key, apparently it has to do that upon install.
  17. J

    Removing OS X

    I solved my own problem, I found by using Resedit that there were indeed hidden files left on my main drive from the attempts to Re-Install OSX. I could see them with Resedit but could not delete them. So I went looking on for a program tht would let me find and delete hidden...
  18. J

    Removing OS X

    I had a problem with OSX and tried to uninstall it, and reinstall. However, the invisible files that are left behiend are keeping the Re-Install from being complete. It seems to install successfully, but when it starts up instead of going through the setup assistant and asking me for my login...