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  1. R

    3G iTrip Pushed Back (Yet Again)

    The UK restrictions come as very little surprise, but I doubt this has anything to do with the political issues cited by <b>Doofy10</b> in his example. The radio spectrum in the UK has always been very heavily regulated, much more so than the US or central Europe, and I can't see that changing...
  2. R

    article: Should Sony buy Apple?

    First off - Apple is in it's strongest position in years. OK so their market share has shrunk a little, but considering the gap that developed between the performance of the Mac and the PC (correct perceptions or not) it still seems quite healthy to me. As a recent convert, I know this held...
  3. R

    Microsoft launches Music Store in Europe before Apple

    And trust me, it sucks badly. I have used PC's for many years now, but after becoming the proud owner of a 15Gb iPod, I leapt at the chance to preorder a new G5. Now I've just got to wait for it to turn up... Anyway, the Windows Music Club is as some of you speculated above. Although MP3...