Microsoft launches Music Store in Europe before Apple

If Apple releases the iTMS for Windows in Europe and prices their songs at the Euro equivalent of 99¢, they should prove a strong competition to WinMP. 14¢ isn't very much for a single song, but when you buy hundreds of songs the difference can add up.
I wouldn't worry to much, most likley Microsoft will try to sell you their wma music format with a very strict and confusing 'digital rights management' system. (like
I am sure most people aren't eager to purchase music files the MS way (at least I am not)
Hmm... (Windows) people who _are_ eager to _buy_ music online will now take what's there, and quite certainly, this OD2/MS deal is the best just yet. This won't convert many Kazaa leechers, of course, but neither will iTMS Windows (Europe) when it comes half a year late to the game.

But I really do care more about iTMS for the _Macintosh_ in Europe. Bring it on, already...
Originally posted by Frennemo
Today Reuters reports that Microsoft, as of today, together with OD2 sells music to European windows users.

The service is built into Windows Media Player 9 and the price setting is the same as iTMS.

Souce: Reuters

It's sad they got here before Apple...:(
Windows Media 9 means that the songs are available only to Windows XP users. People still using Win95/98/Me are SOL. That is the majority of Windows users.
Also, keep in mind that Wintel/Amd people usually pirate EVERYTHING software related... I don't think they are going to fell for it especially when they have Kazaa and not only :rolleyes:

Apple customers are a lot more loyal by a long shot! :D Aren't we? ;)
Um, yes, of course we are... *looks around guiltily, flees room*

Knowing Microsoft, they'll probably bungle their music store in some way that will make Apple's that much more appealing, much like BMDC.
And trust me, it sucks badly.

I have used PC's for many years now, but after becoming the proud owner of a 15Gb iPod, I leapt at the chance to preorder a new G5. Now I've just got to wait for it to turn up...

Anyway, the Windows Music Club is as some of you speculated above. Although MP3 files are supposed to be available, all I could find was <i>heavily</i> DRM's WMA files, which are restricted to 3 CD Burns each. The quality of the audio isn't that great, and in order to get the files onto my iPod I have had to burn the WMA's to CD and then rip them back to un-DRM'd MP3 files. Trust me - a total pain in the arse.

The store itself is OK in terms of design, but confusing when it comes to layout and the actual download process. Windows Media Player got stuck in an infinite loop of OK / CANCEL dialog windows after one download and had to be stopped by using the Task Manager (any of you that still use Windows on occasion will know what an indicator of crappy programming this is...).

Also, it seems that each record label has negotiated differing rights with M$ so that some files have unlimited CD burns, whereas some are limited to just 1 burn. The list of supported players you can transfer to reads like a who's who of disappointing consumer electronics (That creative labs player......please no...), with my trusty iPod being conspicuously absent.

Price wise, not too bad all in all. I got about 13 songs for my £10 outlay. Not quite $99 per track (Check the exchange rates) but OK-ish. Now I just hope my new 1.8 Ghz G5 ships soon and iTunes 4.0 gets it's Euro debut. Then I can finally consign my Wintel box to being a Linux dev server...