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    USB flash memory

    im not talking about a soney memory stick u put in cameras... i mean these thingies that plug into the usb port
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    USB flash memory

    do usb flash memory plugs work between mac and PC???? can i save something created on a mac (say through office) to the usb flash memory ...unplug it ...and then plug it into a PC and read edit it ...and vice versa (ie save a document on a pc to the usb flash memory thing unplug it and then...
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    ibook ????

    like how compatable ? ive read reviews that sometimes 90% of the text is missing... sometimes and that the font is mixed up...
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    ibook ????

    im considering buying a G3 ibook for 128mb of ram on a G3 700 enough to run cable internet apple works and maybe microsoft not doin anything else major on it... main question is whether 128mb is enough...(main reason why im considering an ibook is becasue of its...