ibook ????


im considering buying a G3 ibook for university...is 128mb of ram on a G3 700 enough to run cable internet apple works and maybe microsoft office...im not doin anything else major on it...

main question is whether 128mb is enough...(main reason why im considering an ibook is becasue of its size...and battery life...)

and wondering how compatable is apple works with ms word?
Appleworks 6 is compatable with MS word...

and 128 is TECHNICALLY enough, but you'd be MUCH happier if you added an extra 512MB, or even another 256.
like how compatable ?

ive read reviews that sometimes 90% of the text is missing...

sometimes and that the font is mixed up...
128mb is enough if you are considering your ibook as a small mobile office-station. You won't be missing any text or see any messed fonts. You would just improve the overall performance of your ibook by adding more ram. But I didn't see any huge improvement for my ibook 600 when I added another 512mb. So, go for the basic model
You will see minor mix ups in the conversion of the two word processors. Some styles and/or formats may not convert over. Assuming that you are working Word from a different machine, make sure you have the same fonts installed on both machines. You shouldn't have a problem.
iBook will be enough. If you will use it to anything more than just plain surfing, editing etc light tasks, you will enjoy having more ram. Get at least 256 mb more, but if you can afford the 512mb of memory (you can add that later of course), it'll be faster. I notice significant difference on my 700 mhz with 640 mb ram and the new 900 mhz models with 128 mb ram - the newer seem so much slower. :)