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  1. M

    History of Apple's Finances???

    Do you remember the Apple II? It generated many dollars through 1992.
  2. M

    OS 9 in OS X--Help!!

    Yes, 256 MB of memory. I held the space bar down. The extensions mamnager was set to MY Settings. I set it to OS 9.2.2 all. Now OS 9.2 boots in Classic enviroment. I will continue to diasble the extensions I don't use BUT I AM IN BUSINESS!1 Tanks a bunch. I really appreciate the help. DJM
  3. M

    OS 9 in OS X--Help!!

    I have 256 mhz memory. OS X is running. When I start Classic, I get an OS 9 startup screen and that is the end. It will not load unlees I hold down the shift key. I do not get an error message. DJM
  4. M

    OS 9 in OS X--Help!!

    I don't know what firmware to get or where to get it. After OS X loads, I try to open the OS 9 Classic enviroment. it will not load unless I hold the shift key which loads OS 9.2.2 with the extensions off. All programs and devices seem to work. I'll keep plugging. DJM
  5. M

    OS 9 in OS X--Help!!

    It is not an old game. It is word, excel,powerpoint,photoshop,etc. As the machine bvoots up, OS 9 appears on the screen, then icons line up across the bottom until the desktop apperas. I can startup in OS X or OS 9.2.2. Just cannot run any OS 9 apps in Classice enviroment under OS X. DJM
  6. M

    OS 9 in OS X--Help!!

    After installing OS X and upgrading to OS 9.2.2, I cannot use my OS 9 apps in OS X. The machine stalls and beeps when th cd-rom icon appears in bottom left. I installed no firmware upgrades. I am using a B&W G3 with a sonnet G4 500mhz zif card. Any suggestions? DJM