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    LDAP Setup

    How can I setup the LDAP server on Jaguar to provide access to other users of my mac to my address book data?
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    Import Addresses

    hi... can someone write a apple script which reads a plain text file with the format firstname[space]lastname[tab]mailaddress[return] and save the lines to address book? thanks in advance...
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    Setting variable paper size

    I added a virtual postscript printer with Adobe Distiller PPD. I then wanted to set a custom papter size, but i couldn't because i don't know where to do that. The PPD file allows variable paper size, but how to do?
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    ace compression

    is there any tool out there which you can uncompress *.ace files on x with?
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    Porting Minesweeper to OSX advice

    good idea! (to port mine sweeper to os x) i'm not a programming guru, but if u make it open source (e.g. on source forge) i'll help u... just let me know...
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    Thanks! It works! I have to type all the path (, but it works. =)
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    I don't really understand... Could u please explain it? =) I launched TextEdit with Pseudo as root, but I don't see any arg given to TextEdit executable...
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    hm.... i tried Pseudo and it works... but... no way to do that in terminal?
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    sudo open -a /Applications/ did not work....
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    yes, that works fine. however i meant: you are logged in as user1, you do su user2 in terminal, then open anApp to open anApp as user2. that worked on 10.0.X it does not work on 10.1.X. How can I do that?
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    in 10.0.4 i could open an app as root with terminal with open command. (after su) in 10.1 it does not work anymore. how can i do it? thanks in advance!
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    Display Sleep Time

    Yeah I could do that, however I meant a command-line tool like "bless" which You can change Your start volume with... (e.g. "> set-display-sleep-time-to 5-min")
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    Display Sleep Time

    Is there a way to set the Display-Sleep time via Terminal?
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    MySQL & Fink

    Hi! First of all I'm a very newbie doing UNIX-things... 3 Month ago I installed MySQL manually (in using Marc Liyanage's Binary package) and it worked perfectly! However I installed recently Fink and several binary & source packages (XFree86, WindowMaker, Gimp and so forth) and MySQL does...
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    Saving a RTFD-file with NSAttributedString

    Hi! I'm a very newbie and got a simple question: NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@""]; [[attrString RTFDFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attrString length]) documentAttributes:nil] writeToFile:aPath atomically:YES]; Why does that not work? (Error Msg...
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    sendmail with no domain name

    Hi! Can I use sendmail without a domail name? (I've got a adsl-connection to the internet and thus I only have a dynamic ip address...) Thanx in advance!
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    X Window Server install & configure instruction

    Hi... I want to install X Window Server on OS X 10.0.4. However I'm new to all this UNIX things. I tried to find some install AND configuration instructions on web, but I found nothing for a newbie like me. Could somebody explain me how to install and configure that? (from Download to...
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    Objective C++?

    Hi! Can Obj-C be combined with C++ in Project Builder? I mean, Obj-C and C++ code in a source file. Can it be compiled?