how to open a app as root with terminal


in 10.0.4 i could open an app as root with terminal with open command. (after su)

in 10.1 it does not work anymore. how can i do it?

thanks in advance!
I don't have a problem with it. I'm running 10.1.3 and open works fine. Try:

open -a /pat/to/Application

If you still have problems try "man open" for more info.

Good Luck.:)
yes, that works fine. however i meant:

you are logged in as user1, you do su user2 in terminal, then open anApp to open anApp as user2.

that worked on 10.0.X
it does not work on 10.1.X. How can I do that?
sudo -u ausername open -a /Applications/

Should work, but I just get a load of errors:
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : initCGDisplayState: cannot map display interlocks.
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
kCGErrorIllegalArgument : CGSNewConnection cannot get connection port
kCGErrorInvalidConnection : CGSGetEventPort: Invalid connection
yeah, how did the guy who wrote pseudo do it? can t we do what he did ourselves manually from terminal?
oh, i think i ve got it! i was looking at the output from ps -aujx, and you can see, if eg TextEdit is running, the actually process is not /Applications/, but rather /Applications/ there is some argument passed that i don t understand, but if you run that command as root from terminal, then you have it! it works, i just saved a TextEdit file in /var/private/root!

Note that i did not 'open' that file. i just ran it as a command at the prompt.
I don't really understand...
Could u please explain it? =)
I launched TextEdit with Pseudo as root, but I don't see any arg given to TextEdit executable...
OK, so what we were previously trying to do is this:
# open /Applications/

this used to work in 10.0, but now in 10.1 if you do it, the app opens, but not as root. rather as whoever has window server and the GUI and such. it is exactly as though that user had double clicked that app.

i went fishing through the running processes, looking to see what process was associated with when it was running, thinking that i would just start the process manually from the command line, instead of simulating a double-click with open. this approach works like magic! what you will discover if you look at the processes is this:
#ps -aujx

lethe  1373   0.0  0.4    88640   3868  ??  S      0:00.71    69    69 292af70    0 /Applications/ -psn_0_7340033

now, you see that the running process is not /Applications/, but rather /Applications/ this makes sense, because in UNIX a program is just a file filled with executable code. it can t really be a directory, the way a .app bundle is.

there is a funny argument there associated with that (-psn_0_7340033 in this example.) just ignore it. i have no idea what that is. testuser, any idea? anyway it s not important.

so instead of open (equivalent to double click) /Applications/TextEdit, we actually launch the process that goes with it instead. then according to the rules of UNIX, the child process inherits the properties of its parent. so if we are root when we launch this program, it launches as root:
# pwd
# touch testfile
# chmod 600 testfile
# /Applications/ /private/var/root/testfile

and now the file will open and you can read/write it with textedit. no more sudo vi for you!

if you try this:
# open -e /private/var/root/testfile
it will fail. try it and see!

OK so i hope this cleared it up for you.
I believe the -psn argument has something to do with copy/paste ability; why? The only executable which has psn in it is /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs (pasteboard server, which handles the copy/paste functions). Of course, there's absolutely no documentation I can find...
OK testuser, Ask and ye shall receive! i had to look far and wide to find out the answer to this one, and eventually i had to sleep with steve jobs, but i ve got it!!!

how-to launch carbon app from command line:
root# /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Support/LaunchCFMApp /Applications/iCab &

iCab is the only carbon app i have, and it is a little fishy testing out permissions with a web broswer, but i m pretty sure it worked. try it out on BBEdit for us and let us know.

well, i ll tell you, the story is not too exciting, but here s what i did:

so carbon apps don t run like normal UNIX processes it seems. how do they get launched? running the process as it appears from ps is junk. so how does it actually work? here is my first thought. i don t know how it works, but i know someone who does: /usr/bin/open! he knows. this is a nice trick that has worked for me before (but didn t work this time):

go to apple s website, and read the source code. i thought 'open' is a command line app, so it will be in tthe source code. alas, it was not. if you think about it, it makes sense. it is a command line tool, but it is really only related to the aqua GUI, so it needn t be considered part of the underlying OS. i spent almost an hour sifting through the darwin packages though. i used this trick to understand the 'bless' command, to better understand open firmware booting. it s a small apple only command line app and you can read the source.

anyway, next i go to the developer page on apple s website. understanding the API is sure to have the answer, but only if you can understand it. i m no macos developer, so i can t wade too deeop, but sometimes you get lucky. like this time: at the developer info page for carbon APIs they have a tips & tricks page

on that page, they tell you how to use gdb to debug a carbon app. and to do it, first then load this launchCFMApp app, and then import the carbon app. and that was it. i know that loading a program into gdb is not too different from launching a program, so i give it a try. and it works. it launches that carbon bad boy. of course it works from root too, and now i m done.

now we can write our own pseudo programs. or at least some wrapper scripts. neat, i think