Search results

  1. N

    how to network powerbook to MacOsX tower

    I have an older Powerbook G3 266MHz powerbook runningOS 8.6 (This PB does not have a USB card, last model just before USB) I have files I would klike to place on my Dual Processor G4 which runs 10.4.8. How can I transfer files? I have tried using my PCMCIA/USB card with my little...
  2. N

    Form app. that returns visual version of form?

    Somewhere in my past searches, I believe I came across an app that allowed a form to process and be returned by email, but the uniqueness was that it returned a visual version of the form. Now I can't seem to find it again, and wonder if anyone knows of such an animal. Specifically what I'd...
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    Recover rewritten old saved file

    :( AGGHH!! I should have known better, but somehow I saved an old document after deleting the data. I was using an existing job sheet as a layout template for a blank one for the new year. I thought I had saved the new one, but somehow I had saved the old file, but with the data deleted. Any...
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    Firewall with Virtual PC?

    Perfesser: I already have VPC 6. And I am not hosting it myself, but using a hosting site. Dan: Thanks! As business stratup costs accumulate exponentially, freeware is alsways welcome!
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    Firewall with Virtual PC?

    I guess I need to clarify that thae reason for IE (Win) is the need for compatibility with the Site Builder software (or else I'd be using my Mac's web access.)
  6. N

    Firewall with Virtual PC?

    Sorry for the confusion. Iam wondering if I access the web through Internet Explorer and Virtual PC on my Mac (OSX.2.8)- will I need firewall software installed on the Virtual PC.
  7. N

    Firewall with Virtual PC?

    I am running 10.2.8 and have Virtaul PC running XP running XP. I am setting up a website, and want to know if I log on to the host using IE 5.5 (sitebuilder compatible) will I need to have some sort of firewall software running. So far, I've tried to design my site using online hosting...
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    Job number based accounting program

    I can't be the only small business that uses running job numbers to organize service/sales and then and bill clients! Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to create a job number (sequencially), bill to an established client base, and follow through with the completion of the work...
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    Best mail app?

    Yes, I figured that, but I'd like to get some opinions of favorites, and compatibility. Thanks!
  10. N

    Best mail app?

    So, after on and off issues with Netscape and its mail app, I 'd like to search for a more reliable mail app. (and maybe browser) I have several email accounts from various locations, both POP and IMAP. My question is, What is your favorite email app? Important issues- multi email use...
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    Appleworks can't save as word .doc

    Thanks so much for your help! I deleted the recent items folder, but that did not work. So I copied into Text edit, saved , and created new doc in appleworks, then saved as a .doc BINGO! I'll make a note in case it happens again. Bless you!
  12. N

    Appleworks can't save as word .doc

    I have appleworks 6.29 and recently started having trouble saving a file as a word .doc file. The file will save in every other format except word .doc 95, 97 or 2000. When attempting to save , the file "unexpectedly crashes". The first sign of trouble was an error code that said -48. I've...
  13. N

    Creating Real Estate-type search scripts

    I'd like to add a subdomain that will allow clients to post Real estate info on their own "page" for others to view. I'd like for this page to be searchable from my main page with the standard real estate queries like location, # of bedrooms, # of baths, price, lot size, etc. I'd like to be...
  14. N

    Fax and DSL

    Thanks for all your imput. I am familiar with the whole splitter/filter issue. I just hadn't thought it through, or I would have realized I could run the line directly to the other phone port in my G4. I do have a fax machine, which I use to occasionally send faxes. The majority of my need is...
  15. N

    Fax and DSL

    I m running on OS 10.28 and connect with dsl. Is there a way to accept faxes while not online that will bypass the dl? I ralize there is fax softtware in my OS, but don't want to continually switch my phone lines from modem to tower when I recieve a fax. (Not to mention that I usually don't...
  16. N

    online web developer app vs NOT

    Thanks for both replies. I'd reallt like the option of setting the site up myself if possible. and thought I'd check out an ecommerce site builder-type all in one hosting/server pkg. Do you think those apps would be too complicated? I'm not a brainiac, but I did manufacture neon for 12 years...
  17. N

    online web developer app vs NOT

    Hi- Getting ready to design a website which needs to incorporate ecommerce and forms. I'd like to hear about the pro's and cons of using online site builders or purchasing an app and creating it on my own HD. If online builder is used, and hosting needs to be switched, is site moveable...