online web developer app vs NOT


Hi- Getting ready to design a website which needs to incorporate ecommerce and forms.

I'd like to hear about the pro's and cons of using online site builders or purchasing an app and creating it on my own HD.

If online builder is used, and hosting needs to be switched, is site moveable?

I am new to design, and realize I'll need a WYSIWYG app. I will be using Paypal for billing to start.

Our business is service oriented, and the clients will fill in forms to place orders. I'll need login options for each client. Down the road I'll add products they can order as well.

Any suggestions for apps or web hosting would be appreciated!
You might be better off out-sourcing the project. Just the static part of the page (layout, design, etc.) will be a problem for someone new to HTML, the dynamic part using a scripting language (PHP for instance) and the database (SQL variant) will be almost impossible for someone who isn't experienced, and the time required to learn the ropes there would probably end up costing more than just paying someone to do it. Especially when you factor in the time it'll take to launch the site, which could be 5 times or more longer than paying someone. That could be a lot of lost sales.
I'm a huge fan of learning/growing, but I tend to agree with mdnky in this case.

Not to mention a newbie is likely to implement something with security/privacy holes that could get you into a lot of trouble and cost you the $ you might otherwiser earn from such a venture.

Do your learning/growing on something of a smaller scope/scale.
TommyWillB said:
I'm a huge fan of learning/growing, but I tend to agree with mdnky in this case.

Not to mention a newbie is likely to implement something with security/privacy holes that could get you into a lot of trouble and cost you the $ you might otherwiser earn from such a venture.

Do your learning/growing on something of a smaller scope/scale.

Thanks for both replies. I'd reallt like the option of setting the site up myself if possible. and thought I'd check out an ecommerce site builder-type all in one hosting/server pkg. Do you think those apps would be too complicated? I'm not a brainiac, but I did manufacture neon for 12 years, and have a design/graphics background, so I'm not alltogether hollow :) I took a basic html course. Probably know just enough to get me in trouble. Which is why I was looking at the PHD (push here dummy) wysiwyg type hosting pkg.

One good solution for you if you want to go this way would be to look into yahoo stores. They have a simple interface and they take care of the important and difficult parts (like secure credit card transactions) for you.

I definetly agree with lurk and the yahoo stores. In my opinion you should definetly design the site yourself...using one of the packages editors like dreamweaver, golive or freeway...or you could just design a bunch of static pages in photoshop and then place a bid on elance to either code it all from your designs or to build the backend into your html if you used an editor.