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  1. ndac:

    Sleep mode good or bad?

    is QEor QE2d enabled in tiger 10.4.3 for the imac 1.6ghz G5 1gb ram 17" no ambient. and if so why does the nvidia 64meg built in suxk so bad? is there anyway to increase my performance from this unit?
  2. ndac:

    Sleep mode good or bad?

    how many would say sleep mode is ok for your mac or pc? i occasionally i put my pc&mac on stand-by and i'm mostly concerned with lcd displays and their screenlife. also will it ruin them by putting them to sleep then turning them on walk away come back a couple of hours turn it on use it for...
  3. ndac:

    Quartz and stuff

    hi there im running an imac g5 17" 1gb ram. and i was wondering about quartz extreme? i play WoW but the nvidia card blows with its 64 megs of video. so i was wondering is there anyway i can get my frames up by sending all the vid crunching to the gpu instead of my cpu. i cant help but notice...
  4. ndac:

    pc and mac sharing

    im running a asmall home network with a2 pc boxs and a mac. my mac sees all but the pcs both cant login to the mac. ive done a disk repair and im all up to date. my pc can see th ebox but cant login to anyhting i just get denied. should i just try dave? or at one tiem i had user names the same...
  5. ndac:

    cant decide...

    been awhile since i last posted hope everyone had good new year! i need soem opiions: im gonna buy anew mac half personal video/editng and half school related. but my dilema is picking either an imac or tower size it with a g5 tower. of course ill be ebay shopping or craiglist but but i just...
  6. ndac:


    cool thanks! i m not sure if folks are up to making viruses for the mac, or anything of the sorts. so a lot of the time i really dont check for hacks or trojans. mayeb i should just to be safe... thanks again.
  7. ndac:


    im really new to the mac os processes and stuffffff and i was wondering what the systemUIserver was and why it takes up so much of my cpu? i was playing with the activites monitor and saw that it was sucking it up . thanks in advance
  8. ndac:


    thanks for the help! very informative. but yes i feel the ease of use when im logged in and im runnign 10.3.5. although ive run suse on a winbox and have noticed that it seems to take a long time it to boot too. must be a unix thing when its going through all the boot itmes and mounting and...
  9. ndac:


    hey there i have QS Upgraded to 1.25mhz and i notice that it takes a while for os x to boot. mostly at the apple grey screen does it take awhile. once the normal boot screen come up it goes prety quick through the normal boot extensions , and then the desktop. i just was curious if there was...
  10. ndac:

    ut2k3 on x11 on 10.3...>?

    thanks i was unaware of such things but then again i dont really pay attention. thnaks again.
  11. ndac:

    ut2k3 on x11 on 10.3...>?

    hey there this is my first post on this forum since i got my mac. but my Q is my pc copy of UT2k3 comes with the linux installer. i m being cheap if you see where im goin with this. but also i think my install of 10.3 is faulty cuz i upgraded from 10.2.8 and i had read soemwher ethat it was...