

im really new to the mac os processes and stuffffff and i was wondering what the systemUIserver was and why it takes up so much of my cpu? i was playing with the activites monitor and saw that it was sucking it up . thanks in advance
SystemUIServer runs the System Menu Bar.

Or at least the part on the right that handles NSMenuExtras and NSStatusItems. The part on the left is the application menu bar.

Other (not so important to Cocoa) duties that it takes care of include launching applications when CDs and DVDs are inserted, and putting up the dialog that says "You've inserted a blank CD, what would you like to do with it?"

Try rebooting
cool thanks! i m not sure if folks are up to making viruses for the mac, or anything of the sorts. so a lot of the time i really dont check for hacks or trojans. mayeb i should just to be safe... thanks again.