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  1. E

    Upgrade Snow iMac G3 500 to G4 Possible?

    An important thing to note: IMAC G3's ARE A NIGHTMARE TO DISASSEMBLE. Especially if you're going all the way down to the CPU ::shudders::
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    Firefox 1.5 released

    It crashes the hell out of my ibook. Very disappointing. But I'll deal :)
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    New iPod Line Up / Shuffle Price Drop...

    ::runs over to desk, shoots slev for buying the 60 gig for 600 bucks, or whatever the hell it was:: I got the photo when it came out. The big one. Dang.
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    Mail vs Thunderbird vs Others

    Mail is simple, yet powerful, and does everything i need it to do. I'm not saying i'm not sitting on pins and needles for Mail 2.0, but Mail does great things.
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    Listen, it wasn't better, greater or anything. But it was cool. Eye candy. I'm a big fan of eye candy.
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    if pceee people ruled the world....

    Listen, its not that. Its that these people, while ignorant, still use windows, and are still my friends. I try to tell people to use a mac, becausei'm tired of fixing their internet explorer. I work in tech support, everyone knows this, and i get lots of calls everyday to fix windows. I have a...
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    if pceee people ruled the world....

    There will always be an alternative computing solution. I bet linux really pisses ole' billy off, but theres nothing he can do about it. He doesn't own every machine that is sold. Also, on the "stupid windoze (L)users" comment, i offer the conversation that i hear most in concern to...
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    April Fools: Tiger Release Event

    that would be a terrible, terrible, horrible, awful joke.
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    Omg Powerbook!

    I'll give you 100$ for your clamshell.
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    10$ for signup

    WEll, if you guys don't consider it spam.... Wanna do it? lol
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    10$ for signup

    Well, I'm not trying to be a jerk.. I'm trying to get my referrals in the most respectful way... If there's such a thing. Seriously... 10$
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    10$ for signup

    Listen, I know what you're all going to say... Those free stuff sites are scams, yada yada. I got my TV, a coach handbag, and 340$ paypal from one. I'm working on another. I'm not going to post my referal link, and I don't require any flaming. If you're interested in making 10$ for a free trial...
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    Case modding Forum

    Totally cool, and I understand. I think that the PC side of modding is exploited, with a lot of the mods being tactless, tacky, and not classy in the slightest. I'd like to get together a goup of people that actually know what they;re doing when it comes to these things.
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    Quick iBook g4 Ram Question

    Hey guys. I'm pretty sure my iBook (12" G4 1.2 ghz, yada yada) takes DDR2100 sodimm's. I need to know if i can get said DDR2100 Sodimm's for say, a windows laptop, and it'll work. Also, if i'm off on my ram speed, please correct me. :confused:
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    PowerBook sounds like a plane when moved about!

    If you have a CD or DVD in it, when you tilt it, it'll sound like something is eating something else inside your mac. Take the CD out, see if that fixes it.
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    Future of eMac? Impending demise?

    You know, I fail to realize the difference between a minimac shoved behind a desk with a CRT hooked up to it and an emac.
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    Torvalds switches to Apple - Sorta! ;)

    You guys know... that guy that said about speed? Last time I checked, no x86 boxes out there ran 2 64-bit 2.5 GHz Processors. Thats pretty fast, last time i checked. Also, now that *nus (hahah) is running PPC, maybe we'll FINALLY see a live distro for us!! Yay :)
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    Apple joins Blu-ray consortium

    Problem with that is that they need to develop the drive. Most bluray drives are big ole things right now. However, this gives me a bright ray of hope for the future :)
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    WTB - Any laptop that can run OSX

    Wow, 900 is a lil outta my price range. i'm trying to make the picture frame on I was thinking something like 300 for the comp...
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    Background image gone

    Is your battery ok? You could be losing your settings. Also, did you save it to your picture folder?