Better Late than never
Brian Miller -
Hi-Fi colour design
10451 W. Palmeras Dr.
Suite N219E
Sun City, AZ 85373
Tel. 623-972-8529
Fax. 413-826-6627
I ended up reformatting and then having a UNIX friend help me. Between the two of us we were able to set up a very efficient FTP system that can adapt rapidly to multiple users.
We really only needed the Terminal to modify some user privilidges. Once Apple impliments users and groups in OSX...
I want people outside of my home network to be able to FTP in but have not had any luck. I have a static IP or I can use a router that has DHCP but no luck.
Any help appreciated.
I had tried using an alias originally but could not get it to work over the network.
If your setup works let me know step by step... otherwise I'm erasing this HD later today!
I have a machine with 3 partitions
5GB Mac OS 9.1
5GB Mac os X
20GB for file sharing
Under Mac OS X I can not figure out how to share files off of the 20GB partition. OS X seems to only want to share user accounts that reside on the same partition as itself.
can I ...
A.) Share...