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  1. M

    Lissing keys with french keyb layout

    Great that's lots of help, i think i might just stike with the defaults because i can see myself changing every key and getting completly muddled up after a while, btw i dont have a "Show Keyboard Viewer" i only have English German French -- Show Character palette & Show imput mode palette and...
  2. M

    Lissing keys with french keyb layout

    Nice that got one out, but that a 3 key combination and mostly in PHP for example its very often fast typing... can i bind it to Alt 5? In france its the Shift to get the Alt then 5 and one ofter the 0. Thanks.
  3. M

    Lissing keys with french keyb layout

    Dear collegues. For some time now since i became a programmer in PHP and some others too as a personnal chalenge i was under UNIX mostly linux actually. When came the time of my old Laptop "r.i.p toshiba :(" i decided to leap onto mac os x mostly for its unix core wonderfull system. I have...