Lissing keys with french keyb layout


Dear collegues.

For some time now since i became a programmer in PHP and some others too as a personnal chalenge i was under UNIX mostly linux actually. When came the time of my old Laptop "r.i.p toshiba :(" i decided to leap onto mac os x mostly for its unix core wonderfull system.

I have just got it working as i want it however i came to a problem when i started to type in some code, and also some passwords that use the character i can't find.

I have a Mac OS X Version 10.3.8 with a french keyboard (azerty..) the keys i am missing are: [ ] thos two (i copy / pasted them).

If someone knows by any chance where i can get them.... please help.

Mr Stocks oliver.

On the Swiss QWERTZ keyboard, these keys are alt-5 and alt-6.
Nice that got one out, but that a 3 key combination and mostly in PHP for example its very often fast typing... can i bind it to Alt 5? In france its the Shift to get the Alt then 5 and one ofter the 0.

You can see your keyboard special keys on the screen.

Go to System Preferences > International > Input Menu > select Keyboard Viewer and "show input menu in menu bar".

Then, from menu bar you can see the language flag for what keyboard you use, in your case French. Select from that flag "Show Keyboard Viewer", it will show a small keyboard on your screen working with any application. You can see what keys are located where in which ever layour you choose. To see the non-standard keys, press e.g. Option, Shift, Option-shift or control to see what stroke you need to ket which key combination. E.g in US keyboard many keys are with option-shift-[a letter] combination, and if you don't remember where the key is located, that is a fast way to find it out.
If you need a key only once, "Show charachter palette" can find it (from the same International > Input menus), but I would think that knowing where the [] are as a programmer, makes more sense for you.. :)
Great that's lots of help, i think i might just stike with the defaults because i can see myself changing every key and getting completly muddled up after a while, btw i dont have a "Show Keyboard Viewer" i only have English German French -- Show Character palette & Show imput mode palette and international...

i guess ill come across it one day.

Dataaa thanks alot!
"Show keybord viewer" may be named different on different languages.. it looks like in the picture here - see anything that would have that symbol?


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