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  1. M

    Change Ownership & Permissions

    I'm using OS10.3.9 (Panther) and have been having some problems with copying files to a LaCie firewire drive. The latest concerns some files that were copied and the Ownership & Permissions field in the information box says I have "no access". This is a much broader problem and here is what I...
  2. M

    Can't copy files to alias

    Thanks for the help! I give that a go. MGuilfoile
  3. M

    Can't copy files to alias

    Here's how I made the alias: I went to the original folder and highlighted it. Selected File, Make Alias Dragged the alias file to the desktop, which made a copy to the desktop because my System is on a different partition. I went back to the source folder and deleted the orginal alias...
  4. M

    Can't copy files to alias

    Yes, that is why I was asking what I was doing wrong; such a big defect would have raised a real "stink". My alias, however, does not do all the "springy and foldery (sic) things" for me. Before I do any morre troubleshooting, is there anyone using OS10.3.9 whose alias folders behave as they do...
  5. M

    exporting an iMovie to Windows MPEG format?

    QuickTime Pro 6 exports MPEG4, but I don't know how many folk can open MPEG4s. Dumb question: is it possible that you could open MPEG-1, 2, or 3 video files, but not be able to open MPEG4? I exported some .mov files for my Windows friends as MPEG4s and they could not open them. MGuilfoile...
  6. M

    Can't copy files to alias

    Well, that works, but I don't want to put the folder on the dock. I want to put it on the desktop and have it behave like a normal folder. Am I to understand that, relative to OS9, the alias feature has been disabled and objects cannot be copied into alias folders anymore? That seems like an...
  7. M

    Can't copy files to alias

    OS 10.3.9 G5/2.5gig 2gig RAM I created an alias folder and placed it on my desktop. The original folder is nested several folders deep on a partition and having the alias folder on the desktop allows me to copy files to it from CDs easily. That is, it would if it worked as it did in OS9...
  8. M

    Garageband on 2nd Mac

    I recently got a G5/2.5 gigHz that came with Garageband. Unless I'm mistaken, the license agreement allows me to install it on another computer (a G4/500 at my home, in this case). The G4 has the DVD-RAM drive and reads DVDs fine, but I get the message that "this software is incompatable for...
  9. M

    Printer is gray in Printer Set up utility

    Thanks for the help. I think I was thrown off because there was no mention of "PPD" (which is what anyone coming from OS9 is looking for) in the "Printer Model" list. There is no way to know that is where one chooses a PPD . Nor is there a "Printer Model" tab. You have to actually Add a printer...
  10. M

    Printer is gray in Printer Set up utility

    Using OS 10.3.8, I downloaded the OSX drivers fodr the Richo Aficio 550 printer/copier. I ran the install, did everything it asked, and the printer is checked, but gray in the printer list. I did manage to find the PPD using Find, but the only place I saw it was in my OS9 folder. I copied it and...