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  1. F

    First AppleScript to use XML-RPC and Script Menu - Cool!

    I have been working hard developing a script called BlogScript that takes advantage of the new XML-RPC feature in OS X.1. It also was designed to function in the new Script Menu of 10.1. It is a powerfully convenient little script that allows users of to post instantly from any...
  2. F

    IE 5.1 on OS X.1 - Proxy Issues

    Both actually. IE sources the proxy settings from the Network Preferences, but your right - it doesn't behave exactly as one would think. Especially with multiple locations. I'm still trying to track it down.
  3. F

    i need to reinstall ie 5.1.2...

    First, delte the IE 5.1.2 application. Then move the "explorer" folder out home/library/preferences/, but save your favorite.html file to put it back later. The, just do an install from the OS X.1 disk. It will determine what is missing and re-install it. (Takes a reboot and about 15 minutes...
  4. F

    Television & DVD

    The problem is, I believe, that DVD on X.1 does not support multiple monitors. A tv-out is considered a multiple monitor configuration. I'm sure it will be updated in the future. Tim
  5. F

    airport / dhcp / 10.1

    What you are seeing for an ip of (or whatever) is from your AirPort base and is correct. You see, the base station will make new IP address (totally different from your normal road runner IP) with it's own internal DHCP server ? sharing your single road runner IP to all of the computers...
  6. F

    10.0.4 --> 10.1 AppleTalk stopped to work

    Here are some ideas that may help. First: Disable AppleTalk Then disable all sharing on the computer (web, file, ftp, terminal etc) in the sharing system preference. Then, redo your ip or dhcp settings. Next, enable AppleTalk, click apply, and wait for zone to show up. Then enable...
  7. F

    Accessing Windows drives etc on 10.1?

    The info below is for connecting to any windows computer with sharing enabled. To connect to the PC throught OS X.1 first select the "go" menu in the finder and selcet "Connect to server..." (this is also possible by pressing command K [apple + k]) In the dialog that pops up, enter the...
  8. F

    10.1 System Preferences Launching is Buggy

    Thanks for the info everyone. Tim
  9. F

    IE 5.1 on OS X.1 - Proxy Issues

    Ok. I think I'll go through the usual trash the prefs and re-install methods. Thanks for the info. Tim
  10. F

    10.1 System Preferences Launching is Buggy

    Problem solved! In your home folder go library>preferences>byhost> In the byhost folder, delete any file (mine had 2) that has system preferences in it's name. (ex. Once I did that, all of the Sytem Pref shortcuts worked again. Tim...
  11. F

    Joining old networks and new...

    Bring the finder to the fron in os X.1 Under the "go" menu select "Connect to server..." Click on appletalk. If your 8.1 mac is set up to file share correctly it should show up in the list. **Things to check on the ole mac File sharing is enabled and the mac has a name and...
  12. F

    Dhcp Help!!!

    Are you sure you selected the proper device (internal modem, airport, internal Ethernet. etc) when you configured your network preferences? (Just getting the obvious answers out of the way first)
  13. F

    IE 5.1 on OS X.1 - Proxy Issues

    Is anyone else able to connect to the internet through a proxy server with IE 5.1 on OS 10.1. It worked fine with 10.0.4. Netscape connects through the proxy now, but I get a "unable to cennect to http://whatever" error. Is anyone able to use IE through a proxy?
  14. F

    10.1 System Preferences Launching is Buggy

    I noticed exactly the same thing. Thanks for reassuring my assumptions. It seems odd that I haven?t heard more about this.
  15. F

    10.1 System Preferences Launching is Buggy

    I have found a strage behavior in os 10.1. Normally when you go under the apple menu and click on Dock then click on Dock preferences, it would launch System Preferences and bring you to the Dock pane. This nolonger functinos for me. The same issue applies when you try to access the Network...
  16. F

    UPDATE TO 10.1 prob

    Just a tip for all you folks out there how mounted your disk image. I make a habit of locking any disk image before I mount it. (just remember to unlock it if you want to trash it.) Click on the image. Hit Command (apple key) and "I". Click on the Lock check box. Then you can mount the image...
  17. F

    Not enough privileges-I'm the admin!?!

    This may not be the answer for this problem, but it has saved me a few times. Find the File that wont delete and check to see if it is locked. To do so: 1. Click on the file. 2. Under the "File" menu select "Get Info" (or press command I) 3. Make sure the "Locked" checkbox is not...
  18. F

    Remember Kids 5g64 Nor 5g68 Are Final Releases!

    Because you are using Classic mode for entourage. Go into the Classic Control Panels > energy saver. Click on the advanced options tab, and check "wake for network activity". That may solve your sleep issue. I use an intllemouse explorer and have had the jumpy optical mouse issue in OS 9 and...
  19. F

    Finally, Apple steals somthing good from M$

    I will attempt to elaborate on the post about IE (Internet Explorer) being an ftp client. This is very true. If you type in it will work just as in the windows environment (minus the mounted drive). You can drag folders to upload, download folders, and of...