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  1. L

    Project Builder CVS error: end of file from server?

    You end up with the 'end of file from server' error for one of two reasons: 1. PB doesn't pick up your environmental variables. The fix for this is to checkout your project from the command line, add it to PB, and then restart PB from the command line with open myproject.pbproj where...
  2. L

    Configuring Sendmail (m4 problems)

    I had the quotes correct and was using emacs to edit the file. Still no luck. However, I have another copy of OS X installed on the same computer (10.1) and I booted into it and tried the same process. It worked. I have no idea what is wrong with my (10.1.2) install, but I must have...
  3. L

    Configuring Sendmail (m4 problems)

    Looks exactly the same, well I inserted the FEATURE above the MAILERs, but I moved it and tried it exactly like yours. Didn't work. I'm baffled.
  4. L

    Configuring Sendmail (m4 problems)

    I am trying to disable the submission port on sendmail, so I went in and edited /usr/share/sendmail/conf/ and added the line: FEATURE(`no_default_msa') Great. Next step is to m4 the sucker, but I get this: <PRE> root# m4 ../m4/cf.m4 >...
  5. L

    OSX DNS/Web Server

    For the traditional website you really need a static IP and then register a domain name and have it tied to that IP. (See other reply.) I wanted to offer an alternative in case you are only looking to set up a recreational website. I run a website from my DHCP connection by using a dynamic...
  6. L

    openssl 0.9.6 has some information about egd (entropy gathering daemon) in their HOW-TO on installing apache-ssl for MacOS X server. check it out here Lance