Configuring Sendmail (m4 problems)


I am trying to disable the submission port on sendmail, so I went in and edited /usr/share/sendmail/conf/ and added the line:


Great. Next step is to m4 the sucker, but I get this:
root# m4 ../m4/cf.m4 >
m4: ../feature/'no_default_msa'.m4: No such file or directory
But I swear it does exist!

root# ls ../feature/ | grep no_default_msa

Anyone have an idea why m4 hates me? Note: I've tried all kinds of syntax and permissions things.

That's odd, I just made that same change and m4 ran without complaint. The interesting thing is the error message, it quotes the no_default_msa part of the filename: ../feature/'no_default_msa'.m4. Does your mc file look like the one I've attached (renamed to a .txt since vBulletin really didn't like a .mc file)?


  • generic-darwin.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 13
Looks exactly the same, well I inserted the FEATURE above the MAILERs, but I moved it and tried it exactly like yours. Didn't work.

I'm baffled.
Take a really, really close look at the first quote to make sure it is the backwards one; I was able to reproduce that exact error message when I made the line


instead of


If you do have the correct quote, the only other things I can think of are the basics: are you running the latest version; does which m4 say /usr/bin/m4, and you haven't installed a new version; are you saving the file with an editor using Unix-style line breaks?
I had the quotes correct and was using emacs to edit the file. Still no luck.

However, I have another copy of OS X installed on the same computer (10.1) and I booted into it and tried the same process. It worked. I have no idea what is wrong with my (10.1.2) install, but I must have changed something. (The m4 binaries are the same size/date too!)

Oh well, I'm gonna copy over the generated cf and not worry about it. Thanks for the troubleshooting help.
If you wanna know, there is nothing wrong with your 10.2. In Jaguar, they changed m4 to gm4. If you use gm4 instead, everything should work fine in 10.2. Well, at least it did for me...