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  1. D

    man command dont respond

    New problem. When I close the shell, MANPATH reverts to the old definition. Any suggestions? Thank you.. :( Sorry guys, I've solved the problem... thank you anyway! :D
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    man command dont respond

    Thank you!!! I actually had a MANPATH but it had other paths than /usr/share/man and /sw/share/man, so I added them and now it runs perfectly!
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    Directory and file names with spaces and accents

    Hi, I have a problem with spaces and accents. When I create a directory or file in the Finder, usually I use spaces or accents for french or spanish words. But then I cannot acces them from the Terminal! (if I say, for instance, "cd important stuff", it doesn't recognize the space as part of the...
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    man command dont respond

    Hi, I hope you can help me. When I'm running the terminal and I try to get some info by using the man command (ex, man man, or man tcsh, or whatever) it gives me a message "No manual entry for man, or tcsh or whatever" Does it mean that I don't have the manuals installed? How can I fix it...
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    Convert mpgs for using them in iMovie or iDVD

    Hi, I have a digital camera that allows me (like most of them) to film some movies in mpg format. My problem is that I can't neither edit them with iMovie, nor include them in a DVD project with iDVD because they don't recognize the format... What can I do??? Thank you;; :confused:
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    Perl for MacOS X?

    Well, thank you for all of you... I've read a little bit of Perl, and I've started to learn Python... I think that on the way I will decide wich one adapts better for my needs. And maybe, in the future and if I'm doing good, I'll learn C or C++ or something like that. Thank you again..
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    Perl for MacOS X?

    Well, definitly, I see that it's better for me to learn Python, even when at the first instance, I don't believe that I would use so much "heavy number crunching". But probably in the early future, I will... it's better to prevent.. Thank you!
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    Perl for MacOS X?

    Thank you, I will read some about python (I don' t know it...) Then.. I will see
  9. D

    Perl for MacOS X?

    Hi, I want to make my first steps into programming and I want to know your opinion about Perl. I'm a molecular biologist, so my interests are mainly to organize several kinds of data, to perform some DNA and protein analysis, to manage data bases, and some personal stuff... Thanks!! :D...