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  1. S

    Active Directory and OS X

    I have been trying for a while to configure OS X 10.1.x on my ibook to use the Active Directory service running on my Win2k server for user authentication. I have been configuring and playing on and off with the Directory service tool on the Mac for quite while now. Has anybody here ever...
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    Active Directory and OS X

    Yes, I read somewhere that 10.1.3 improves logon authentication via Active Directory...but how do I get the authentication via AD to work in the first place?
  3. S

    Active Directory and OS X

    I have been trying for a while to configure OS X 10.1.x on my ibook to use the Active Directory service running on my Win2k server for user authentication. I have been configuring and playing on and off with the Directory service tool on the Mac for quite while now. Has anybody here ever gotten...
  4. S

    The sad state of Mac upgradeability

    As a matter of fact you can not realy buy a motherboard for a name brand PC like the above either. Their case/motherboard layouts are as propriatary as Apples and no over the counter motherboard will fit them. You can probably find a motherboard for these boxes on ebay, but then again...the...
  5. S

    Is there a doctor in the house?

    I have used a Casio Cassiopeia E100 (one of the 1st gen color WinCE devices). The hand recognition is more or less natural handwriting, but u have to write letter by letter into an inputfield at the bottom of the screen. An "e" for example u can write cursive or printed andu just need to come...
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    Office X?

    Is there a newer beta out there?
  7. S

    Office X?

    Does anyone have a good tip where I can download Office X.117? Forgot to save it when I performed a clean install of its gone for good :) I tried the Carrachoservers listed on as almost always...either no Office, or download disabled. Alex
  8. S

    Clean install available in the 10.1 update CD??????

    with a sevral month old installation of on my OSX partition, told it to erase the destination, and it installed a clean 10.1 without any problems.
  9. S

    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    my upload bandwidth is simply not enough :( I will keep the server up untill tomorrow around 6:30pm EDT. A few people mentioned that they will put the update on their carracho/ftp servers. Ill get with them once i shut my server down. And Zakee22...send me a message, so that u can finish your...
  10. S

    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    I usually tell people the IP address to connect to, as that virtually always stays the same. If you need to have a name resolved for the IP adress the services that you mentioned are the only ones that I can think of, but I never tried them with OS X. Theres also a couple of providers, that host...
  11. S

    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    Does your AT@T cable modem pull and IP address from AT@T by itself? If so, it is most likely always the same address. Mine changes maybe every few month, if that often, thus I dont realy need a dynamic DNS host. If your setup requires you to use PPoE software, or any type of "dialer", then your...
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    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    maybe more people will follow this example of a low user private FTP or Carracho server. That way everybody will get a chance to download the Update.
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    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    after that I run the risk that AT&T will shut my line down. They dont like servers on their cheap cable lines :)
  14. S

    Where can I d/l this thing?

    with the update. PM (personal message) me on for the access info. See also my thread on this site. Alex
  15. S

    I set up a Carracho server with the Update

    The update is intended to be for legal owners of Mac OS X 10.0.x only. I do not take any responibility for missuse!! IP`s will be logged!! PM me for access info. Due to speed limitations I can only supply two downloads at a time. My outgoing linespeeds supports about 128kbit/second (40kb...
  16. S

    I can upload the 10.1 upgrade CD again

    It seems like no one else has a fast FTP server available at this time. I didnt get any more requests.
  17. S

    I can upload the 10.1 upgrade CD again

    It took me about 4.5 hours yesterday to upload it to, so i can only aupload to one perosn at a time. Preferably to someone who is wiling to share it with others on an FTP server. The faster the connection is on your server, the better to share later i guess :) And of course you...
  18. S

    Is anyone willing to U/L 10.1?

    should be complete in 2-3 hours. Thats the downside of cablemodems & ADSL. The downloadspeed screams for the money, but the upload spead tops off at 128-256kbit :) Alex
  19. S

    I can upload the official 10.1 upgrade

    but when i try to access you public folder, my ftp proggie crashes
  20. S

    I can upload the official 10.1 upgrade

    My upload to just finished. I hope the file didnt get hosed up during the transmission :) If anyone else needs it let me know. Alex