Search results

  1. GrandHighOne

    Longest Uptime??

    It _can_ be fun to fool people into thinking your computer has been running for 200 days... (especially if it's an iBook that hasn't even been out for two months...) But I also like _real_ uptimes better. Problem is Apple releases to many security patches... My best uptime (real one) in OS...
  2. GrandHighOne

    Longest Uptime??

    Matrix Agent: <i>LIttle did i know that shutting down the computer actually SHUTS DOWN THE COMPUTER, and hence, all of my chances for uptime glory have been ruined, since a 10.2 update should come out in january.</i> Uptime glory: 1/ Set system clock to some date in the past 2/ Reboot...
  3. GrandHighOne

    OmniWeb 4.0.3

    The people at Omni say 4.1 will increase speed significantly, they also say that OS X 10.1 will help a great deal... OmniWeb 5 (due in 6-9 months) will include a new rendering-engine, I don't know how that will affect speed, but I can imagine it will speed up things.
  4. GrandHighOne

    Should I upgrade?

    Get OS X! After an initial period (a couple of days of adaptation and learning new ways of doing things), you'll like OS X better than OS 9... (and it looks so much better) -- If there are Classic applications you need, they work great in the Classic environment, and you can always reboot with...
  5. GrandHighOne

    OmniWeb 4.0.3

    4.0.x is mostly added languages... fixes for urgent bugs discovered/solved during 4.1 development and during localization process are added as well. You'll have to wait for 4.1 to see significant changes.
  6. GrandHighOne port of StarOffice

    Another app for spreadsheets: "Mesa 3" Mesa features: http:// It's a Cocoa app, and also existed for NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP.
  7. GrandHighOne

    spit my coffee out!

    Ballmer has a new video out: (Developers, Developers, Developers) In this video Steve sweats even more... (Both videos were shot during meetings to "motivate" the MS employees...)
  8. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    Before I say anything else: please note that I am aware of the fact that the European media are going in the exact same direction as the US media... therefore in a few years I'll have to say the exact same thing about the US and the European media... But _for_now_: In general, I believe...
  9. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    scott: that was an intelligent post. About the media: I suppose we are all influenced by the media in our countries... but IMO it is often safer to rely on the European press (maybe Canadian too, I don't know) than on the American press. Especially in this case (Palestine / Israel) since the...
  10. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    People in power use whatever is available to make their position stronger. If those in power use religion, they have an added advantage: they can (ab)use religion as a means to keep the people ignorant, stupid, calm. There are lots of examples: American and European politicians who "promote...
  11. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    The moment you start interpreting, you no longer take the bible literally... I believe the Bible was written by "normal" people, but with devine inspiration. Not by God himself. Therefore I cannot consider the Bible to contain absolute truth. I believe the Bible is a book written by...
  12. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    I don't think this war has much to do with the Bible. There are lots of conflicts between different peoples. Conflicts have to do with cultural differences, misunderstandings, ignorance, economics... not with God. (BTW: If God exists, I don't think he favors one people over the other peoples)...
  13. GrandHighOne

    Brilliant OS X Performance

    If this is true, that would be great! I want to purchase an iceBook this fall, but I was hesitating because I wasn't sure if it would work well with OS X. Other iceBook owners with same experience?
  14. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    As I live in a world where the USA is a dominant force in world politics and economics, I do have some experience with the USA (some of their bombs have been stored on a Belgian air force base for the past 20 years or so, and it wasn't until this year some government-members admitted it (no...
  15. GrandHighOne

    QuickTime _very_ slow on X

    Today I compared playback of .mpeg files in quicktime: QT5 on OS 9 vs. QT5 on OS X. I used digitized music videos for my "test". QT5-on-9 (specs in .sig) displays full-screen video (enlarged) without dropping to many frames (= good, high-quality playback) QT5-on-X had extreme difficulty...
  16. GrandHighOne

    They stole our Duck!!

    It isn't. My source was: 6th-grade (highschool) history book. I forgot to mention that every region has its own dialect... if people of different areas speak their dialect (a variant of Dutch) instead of Standard Dutch, they don't always understand each other. On TV, (mostly old) people are...
  17. GrandHighOne

    They stole our Duck!!

    Belgium is divided into three territorial entities ("gewesten"): Vlaams Gewest (northern part of Belgium), Waals Gewest (southern part of Belgium), Brussels Hoofdstedelijk (=capitol) Gewest. The three entities each have their own government. Belgium is also devided into three cultural...
  18. GrandHighOne

    They stole our Duck!!

    Hij gaat behoorlijk goed: golfslag is nogal wild, denk dat ik straks eens ga zwemmen... (ik hoop dat je weet dat Wenduine een kustdorp is?) Hint: ik zou misschien je .sig een beetje inkorten, het is meer iets voor Amerikanen om alles nogal _groots_ te zien (2 of 3 lijntjes zouden moeten...
  19. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    RacerX: I hope you realise that the US is one of the nations most notorious for altering history? I've seen the history programme for the typical american highschool... I have the impression US public schools provide poor, low-quality education, compared to European highschools. I'm about...
  20. GrandHighOne

    Revelations - Middle east

    Matrix Agent: It _is_ a good thing that Europe is now able to make decisions on its own, but I think it would be even better to have a few other strong (non-western) coalitions of nations (Africa, Asia, Latin America), all having about the same power and influence. Sentiments towards US: I...