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  1. K


    actually, i did install fontconfig from darwinports... Is there something about my X11 paths that is not right? I don't have any LD_LIBRARY_PATH directories i am also trying pyqt and have rebuilt it under 10.4 Things are a bit weird, but i am tracking those issues down.
  2. K


    i guess i will go over to the fink side and try it out. darwinport seemed fine for most things i have been trying to accomplish
  3. K

    Problem With Port Install Py-gtk2

    thx... i got by that, i feel so silly
  4. K

    Restore .bash_profile?

    as a user, you need to create a .bash_profile in your /Users/<home> directory. When you start up a shell, global paths are included: to add a path you merely append to the PATH environment variable like: export PATH=$PATH:./
  5. K


    trying to run the example for pygtk and get a message about: No fonts found; .... More information can be found in the fontconfig(3) manual page and on tried the sudo fc-cache trick and still no dice. I copied over the from the...
  6. K

    Problem With Port Install Py-gtk2

    Have Tiger os and downloaded the darwin installer ( DarwinPorts-1.0.dmg) in order to get pygtk. after setting necessary env variables in profile, got the following error messages when I tried to install py-gtk2: $ port install -d py-gtk2 DEBUG: Found port in...