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  1. M

    Global Views

    simX Nuke the .DS_Store file in the directories you're having trouble with. I was having the same problem at the top level of my HD. What happened was .DS_Store was owned by root. Finder doesn't run as. It runs as the logged in user. So now your changes aren't saved for that directory. I...
  2. M

    Changing textcolor.

    thats what the default command messes with. I take it you didnt logout and log back in after running it? at least you got it fixed =)
  3. M

    Changing textcolor.

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain Desktop.HasDarkBackground 1 see if that helps
  4. M

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!! Enjoy
  5. M

    Cool Mac OS X Screenshot -- Mohammad A. Haque