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    OSX Browser!

    IE crashes Mozilla good CSS but slow + crashes OmniWeb nice render but slooow iCab bad render Opera nice but no mouse scroll I'm still looking for a browser...
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    Finder doesn't like services; Finder alternatives: - SNAX: same as Finder, services don't work - Coela1.0b7: does support functional services; Coela on the web: do you know some other Finder replacement?
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    I've tried to use the services "in the right way"; e.g. selecting a .dmg file and tried "Disk Copy" from the services menu; selecting some text and then Services:Mail... they just don't work; tried TextEdit, and... the services DO WORK! wtf???? so what's the use of all the services...
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    I've formatted my x partition, installed 9.2.1 and then 10.1; everything is fine (well, really cool...) but all my services are greyed out; I'm not the only one having this problem, and couldn't find any suggestion around (forums.macnn is online now, but didn't helped) cmon, help a 10.1...