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  1. ahancock

    Programs crash if alert window left open too long...

    Thanks for the follow up! Best of luck, -Allen Hancock
  2. ahancock

    Simple Media Player for mac OS X?

    Have you looked at
  3. ahancock

    Programs crash if alert window left open too long...

    That is a bit drastic. an Archive an Install might be a less destructive method of getting a clean[er] system. I would certainly troubelshoot this more before reformatting a computer...
  4. ahancock

    Programs crash if alert window left open too long...

    How often are programs crashing? what are some sample error messages you are reading when the applications crash? If you are a new mac user, you might enjoy knowing that Command Shift 3 will take a picture of your screen for later reference. SnapNDrag is nice freeware that helps with...