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  1. C

    Printing to Unsuported Epson Printers II

    Guys, Sorry about not posting this earlier work has gotten a little crazy! ----------- This is how it works and what is involved. I learned most of this from a guy called Jim Derry that published similar instructions for an HP Printer. Most of this is based on his previous work with a...
  2. C

    SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

    First let me re-iterate that you need an Axis 1440 Print Server (to connect your printer via ethernet)... The following is the supported printer list... escp2 EPSON Stylus Color escp2-pro EPSON Stylus Color Pro escp2-pro-xl EPSON Stylus Color...
  3. C

    SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

    P.S. Now that I have the necessary things put together to replicate this install on any other MAC will take at most 30 minutes... C.
  4. C

    SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

    Tonight I created my own print driver using Ghostscript for my Epson Photo EX with Ethernet AxisPrintServer. It works beautifully! Took me 6 hours overall and I am getting photo quality prints! Those bastards @ EPSON could easily support us if they chose to.... If I can do it so can the...
  5. C

    New Epson Print Drivers?

    Does anyone know if any of the new print drivers is of the AT variety? Epson used to release regular USB drivers and special AT drivers for some of their printers. The AT drivers supported printing through an AXIS printserver (ethernet) to the parallel port on the inkjet printer. thanks!
  6. C

    Epson drivers on the way!

    Epson sold expensive (read $500 dollar) printers with ethernet connectivity via optional ($100) Axis 1440 printservers. A fine example is the Sytlus Photo EX. These printers should be supported in OS X! The printserver should be supported in X! C.
  7. C

    irda/infrared on 10.1?

    you can find it at (along with all the other menubar apps) at: /System/Library/Core Services/Menu Extras/ Double clicking any of the other .menu apps places them in the menubar. Double clicking on my PB does nothing... Carlos
  8. C

    irda/infrared on 10.1?

    Does anyone now how to make the irda menubar dockling work on 10.1? I have a PB G4 and it does nothing when you double click it... I read reports that irda was working on development builds... thanks, Carlos