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  1. K

    Can Mac OS X survive without an office suite?

    hm....I think M$ is not dragging there feet to slow stuff down for the mac to make windows nicer... The guys who make Office 2001 are Mac users.....they want to make great programs for the mac and they are just like MacSoft. Plus....if I was microsoft I would already know most intelligent...
  2. K

    A Dock Critique (screenshots)

    I think Mac OS X is designed for the guy who uses IE, OE, and some other program like Word......only has one browser window to! Lets face it. It looks like an OS that would go with an iMac right? What is the iMac for? COnsumers.....its a SUPER POWERFUL consumer interface OS. Picture Linux...
  3. K

    Can someone post some Fire screenshots?

    you must unstuff fire with Open Up. Stuf It Carbon version sucks large penis :D
  4. K

    Can someone post some Fire screenshots?

    I am in OS 9 now so I can't....yet Fire is wonderful because it is simple. there arn't as many of the Buddy Icon crap and all that junk from what I know like the stock ticker yet it is great for messaginb buddys.
  5. K

    AppleWorks 6

    What you saw was a screen shot of a beta or development version of the Carbon Appleworks 6. Apple still hasn't released an upadate...yet they are almost done....I think they are done.
  6. K

    OmniWeb Stability?

    yes omni web is unstable....really fast though....yet DON"T USE STUFF IT! Thing sucks...get Open UP.
  7. K

    Found the Restart Button...

    thats usefull! Finally can restart!
  8. K

    Help! How to uninstall crap in OS X!

    I got Stuff It(sucks) and I got Omni Web(glitchy as hell and always shuts down) how do I uninstall them? I want to reinstall Omni I just delete stuff....I am scared since it is a new OS!
  9. K

    HELP! Can't set up e-mail.....or internet in OSX on CABLE!

    do you guys want a reward or somthing for helping me....PLEAZE HELP ME!!!
  10. K

    HELP! Can't set up e-mail.....or internet in OSX on CABLE!

    I am also using a hardware firewall(basicly a router) this is illegal yet I need it as a firewall...can you help me? It says it cannot determine the IP address for!
  11. K

    HELP! Can't set up e-mail.....or internet in OSX on CABLE!

    MY CABLE AIN"T WORKING!!! I need to get my e-mail and internet from my comp! Geeze....well with the new system e-mail requires your domain name(ex. well I USE ROAD RUNNER and the stuff for that is or the e-mail is ( so I have tried that...