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    Middle Seat

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    MetamorphX NIGHTMARE!

    Don't worry I already reinstalled OS X and I mean a COMPLETE reinstall; erased everything. I tried to just reinstall the system folder but when I started up some Darwin message came up not letting me past, freaky! The worst thing about it is that I downloaded at least $1,000 or more of programs...
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    Are you a gamer?

    Recently I have been playing alot of Spiderman (not bad), the demo of Return To Wolfenstein (the sweetest game!), AOE2 (first one seems better) and Tony Hawk 2.
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    MetamorphX NIGHTMARE!

    Does anyone know how to restore your normal "theme" (aqua) in MetamorphX? I applied some theme with the word "silver" in it and can't get it off of my system. I tried to download the restore theme from the server inside the program but can't connect to anything! I also tried deleting the program...
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    can you play quake3 with an iBook?

    A little of the subject but I would like to say that Tropico is a horrible game. It's theme is not creative, the graphics stink and the game skips and freezes with even some great computer specs. Don't waste your money on this game. I even regret wasting my time to download this game off Carracho :D
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    iPhoto runs slow on iBook/600/256

    Mine runs pretty decent but remember that iphoto is still in its first version and will have performance upgrades.
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    can you play quake3 with an iBook?

    UT ran ok but I wouldn't even try playing a game like UT or Q3 with a trackpad, you'll get killed! I do enjoy playing AOE 2 on my ibook though :D
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    Middle Seat

    Does anyone have the large version (11 or 12 megs) of the "Middle Seat" commercial. Apple pulled it....but I won't get into that. If anyone could send it to me or put it on their server I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    My Christmas desktop....
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Nice desktop. Natalie Portman is really hot! She has a special look; something different from all those blondes that look alike.
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Does anyone know where this guy got his desktop pic? I emailed him, but he never replied. :o
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    I can't find the exact site but I found the site at
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Here is the desktop on my new iBook G3 500 with 384 RAM and a CD-RW/DVD drive! :D
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    iBook (white) & RAM

    Yea. I just bought a refurbished ibook 500 from Apple with a CDRW-DVD drive and I upgraded my RAM to 348 from Crucial. They have great service that ships fast and sells quality RAM.
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    Middle Seat

    Could you put it on your apple homepage or somewhere where I could download it? I would really appreciate it.
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    Middle Seat

    Does anyone have the LARGE version of the iBook commerical with a guy showing off his iBook to the people in his asile? Someone said Apple "retired" the ad because of requests by email requesting them to retire it because of 9/11/01. I personally think that is stupid and would appreciate anyone...
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    [HOWTO] - Use Firewire "target" mode

    A little of the subject but does anyone have/can get that Apple "Middle Seat" commercial? I want to get it because I just ordered an iBook! It said somewhere that Apple "retired" it because of email complaints from users saying they want it off because of 9/11/01. My opinion, those people need...
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    [HOWTO] - Use Firewire "target" mode

    So does that mean there are two or more memory slots in the iBook?
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    [HOWTO] - Use Firewire "target" mode

    ** Read SimX's post for the How:to explanation. I am buying an 500mhz iBook tonight and want to transfer some stuff from my iMac to my new iBook. Both have Firewire and can anyone tell me if the firewire cable can connect the two. Also, I plan on removing the 128 RAM card from the one...