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  1. M

    Wheres my floppy?

    I just noticed that I inserted a Floppy to copy some files to a PC and it does not show up. I'm on a Bedge G3. Anyone else have problems accessing floppies? I think it was a PC formated floppy. I did not try a mac floppy. I guess I should have.
  2. M

    Classic Software That works/doesn't work

    Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me: Works: SoftWindows Photoshop Painter Classic Kai Phot Soup Quicken CodeWarrior CloseCombat Diablo TombRaider (Software Renderer only) Total Annialoation Myth Myth II Dark Forces Card Shop StarCraft SNES...
  3. M

    Blank RAVE Screen on Games

    Whenever I try to run a game that creates a RAVE Screen, like Unreal, I get a blank black screen. I don't see the picture. Under OS9 it works fine, Under OSX Blank screen. I have a Badge G3 desktop with the Rage Pro chip. 6 meg of video memory. I know others are able to play these games under...