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  1. K

    Lost Dock Icon?

    lost a default icon in my dock. i accidently deleted the macos X icon, i believe it was called. the one with the spring? next to the trash can. how do i get it back? thanks
  2. K

    Q about WIRELESS?

    i hope this is the right forum. i have a titanium powerbook G4. what do i need to get for it to be able to use, go wireless? i DO NOT mean 'airport'. i mean as in ISP, instead of comcast broadband. will it in fact work in my older T1, what do i get, apx. how much? thanks for help.
  3. K

    Inexpensive Webcam For Mac?

    hope this is appropriate forum. what is a good inexpensive mac compatible webcam, and best sites to check online? i have powerbook G4 titanium, 400 MHz, 640 ram, 10.3.9 panther OS. i don't know a lot about them, i live in thailand, my friends are in the US and probably using windows and i use...
  4. K

    Netscape Browser!

    long story...but i need work-around for time being, using N/S 4.79 ONLY to access my online broker. have G4 ti book, OS 9.1 (upgrading to 10.3 soon), 400 MHz. never had problem downloading n/s ....ever! what is going on??? i am better-than-novice mac user. "mac HD: desktop folder comm 4.79...