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  1. C

    10.1 Startup delay - Starting directory services

    Right! I'll check the board and see if any solution is posted. I don't know what data in NetInfo is related to Application Service and Authentication Service, so it is risky. Thx!
  2. C

    10.1 Startup delay - Starting directory services

    I am having the similar problem... the Mac holds at "Starting application service" and "Starting authentication service" Posted my problem a few thread earlier. I don't know why it is happening, and am looking into it.
  3. C

    Takes forever to boot X.1!!!!????

    I just installed X.1 on top of my 10.0.4 (with WebObject 5 installed.) Don't know why, the first boot up is quick (immediately after the Installer restarts the Mac) but all subsequent boots will always stuck at "Starting application service" and then stuck again in "Starting authentication...