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  1. B

    QuartzExtreme working?

    i use an AGP Radeon. it is a lot faster than 10.1.4 on the 400MHz G4. just wanted to be sure if its used. cu
  2. B

    QuartzExtreme working?

    hi! i use a G4/400 and an OEM Radeon 32 MB. can i check if 10.2 uses the hardware acceleration of my Radeon? its way faster than 10.1.4, but some things are still slow.
  3. B

    Possible to do clean install + copying user folder?

    copying the users folder is possible. but you should first create the users in the fresh installed OS X, and copy the stuff from the old users folder to the new users folder (not the whole folder).
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    Jag dev seed hangs during login

    update: it looks that these settings have no effect. its just when i log off or shut him down. when i reboot or try to relog i cant get back into the system again.
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    Jag dev seed hangs during login

    problem: installed 10.2 devseed over my 10.1.4 when i tried to login the newly installed 10.2 the logon window stayed there forever but i couldnt get into the system. so i did a clean install of 10.2 on a re-initialized disk. worked great. then i enabled ROOT access via netInfo and set my...
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    All rights are messed up!

    thanks to all. my troubles are gone with HFS+.
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    All rights are messed up!

    i reinitialized my harddrive. ok. i initialized it not als HFS+ but UFS. NOW! my lexmark printerdriver doesnt want to install, because he says my harddrive is a network volume....ok....tried logging in as ROOT. hu! root doesnt accept my password. well, booted from the 10.1 CDROM to reset my...
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    All rights are messed up!

    fine fine. but i dont know what files belong to every user/group. my main prob zb is that some commands are now in the wrong group for beeing executed and doing some jobs. also some of the printcenter files are in the wrong group for doing their work correctly also. its fine that i can...
  9. B

    All rights are messed up!

    help! all files on my harddrive (MacOS X 10.1) are owned by user "system" and group "unknown". and everyone is allowed to read/write everything everywhere. as a result of this i cant print anymore (print center crashes since then) i can't do SU on console (setid is not permitted to do...
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    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    according to the macfixit forum it is an issue with updating from 10.0.4 to 10.1 something goes nuts with file permissions or something so the installier isnt able to create the thing....or something like that :)
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    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    found the solution in a macfixit forum. the reason for my problem is that /etc/inetd.conf is missing open terminal, type "su" and enter your root password type "echo "" > /etc/inetd.conf" and all should be fine :)) cu
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    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    well your problems sound like more general things. with me its a special small thingy (well, filesharing is not small, but the loading of the one prefpane is :-)) im absolutely sure its no hw issue. but ill try removin the extra ram. hm. as said, when i log in using root account, it doesnt...
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    Filesharing crashes Sysprefs 10.1

    well, im sure its no hardware issue, because its only on OS X and only the sharing part of the systempreferences panel, everything else works perfect. fresh install will be hard, because i have 40 gig of data on my disk :)
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    Why I love OS X (you gotta see this!!!!!)

    where is XDarwins .xinitrc ? or something similar to stop it from loading all the crap when it starts up (2 xterms...xclock...) and change to another windowmanager? thanks
  15. B

    where are the settings?

    the System Preferences app just quits when i click on the SHARING symbol. i cant get into the sharing preferences. i tried replacing it with the one from another 10.1 machine where it works flawless, but it still crashes sysprefs. the system itselfs works fine. its just the system preferences...
  16. B

    where are the settings?

    it isn't on a network yet. just inet via cable modem on the ethernet card. works fine under OS 9 and OS X. the filesharing panel worked with 10.0.4 when i log in as root it doesnt work either. everything else works fine. hm. but i'll try the ram thing :) an the mac is everything of the...
  17. B

    where are the settings?

    no, it didn't worked. replaced mine with yours and sharing still crashes sysprefs. but thanks anyway
  18. B

    where are the settings?

    hi! where are the settings for the items in the SystemPreferences are stored? as i wrote before, my sysprefs crash when opening the Sharing panel. now i want to delete the sharing settings. probably there's some shit in there that makes it crash :) thanks for any advice. mfg BK