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  1. T

    cannot open cwk in office

    Hi, all I am in trouble to use office 2004 to open some .cwk files that I created from appleworks. The only reason I need to open these files in office is that I have done a full re-intsall recently and I have found my appleworks is no longer installed and also have no idea where is the...
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    Be honest, I dont think they gave me the message that tells anything wrong, neither in FSCK or Disk Utility, FSCK told me the system was modified and Disk Utility said the system need to be repair(although I did a few times).
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    Hi, Following are my latest update for this issue. I did above suggested fsck about eight times in the single user mode and the command said the HD is repaired each time. I also did a hard disk repair by booting with my OSX CD and launch Disk Utility. Firstly I verified the disk and...
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    COPY files to DVD

    I guess u have to pay to get it burn to DVD fast..... I dont mind burn slow but why trandfer files WITHIN mac is slow, same speed like I transfer files from XP via wireless network:)
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    COPY files to DVD

    Hi, all I am a newbie in Mac so would like to know how you guys use it. Recently I am backuping up my movies to DVD, what I do is I insert a blank DVD and I drag the files (4G) to it in filder, I dont user iDVD or any buildin tools to copy it as it is download from my BT. I notice it...
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    Sorry, I forgot to mention. I did tried hardhware test CD, it passed!!
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    BTW, how do I find out my mac is which generation? I brought this in Australia Sydney 2005 May
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    Thanks for the quick reply guys!! I agreed that powerdown was not a good move, but I did not have any choice at the time, nothing else was working:) I did fsck -y but not "/sbin/fsck -yf" like suggested, not sure they are different. when I did fsck, fan sounds really huge and it only...
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    OSX cannot shutdown restart or swicth user

    if you are BT user like me and all downloads are 75%, u can try to re-intsall but keep ur profile(they will ask), so nothing will be missing. so far as I see there are a few ppls are seeing samething, and most of them did a update. dont know why this is happening to only us, but certainly...
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    BTW they said dic warrior works good but I dont have one so..... good luck
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    I Can't Restart Or Log Off From System Software

    yep, I got same here, I read lots threads and it was suggested following, I did them all and still same, I am working on the java update one and hope that will work. this is my thread hope that help u, well it did help me:) OSX cannot shutdown restart or swicth user Hi, folks I...
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    OSX cannot shutdown restart or swicth user

    Hi, folks I have switched from PC half year ago and my experience with OSX is very good so far. One day I came back from work and my wife told me our imac G5 is freezing, I took a look and did a shutdown by holding on the power button. After that it stucked in a blue screen, and I did...