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  1. Q

    Hi! Nead help with DNS setup on OSX server

    In a macosx userforum, someone must have enabled and run a dns server from their machine. Please tell me how you do it! Don't be lazy...
  2. Q

    Hi! Nead help with DNS setup on OSX server

    After what I understand, you nead to make changes in both the GUI and terminal. Exactly what do you have to change, anyone got a step by step, lets say I got host "" and public IP: "" and wanna run a DNS server on I nead to create some...
  3. Q

    Hi! Nead help with DNS setup on OSX server

    After what I understand, you nead to make changes in both the GUI and terminal. Exactly what do you have to change, anyone got a step by step, lets say I got host "" and public IP: "" and wanna run a DNS server on I nead to create some...
  4. Q

    Hi! Nead help with DNS setup on OSX server

    After what I understand, you nead to make changes in both the GUI and terminal. Exactly what do you have to change, anyone got a step by step, lets say I got host "" and public IP: "" and wanna run a DNS server on I nead to create some zonefiles...