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  1. J

    Boot OSX Partition has appeared.....

    ok, check this out.... here is what i think happened, since i never ran Norton on my OS X partition i think all is ok, but when Norton found an error on my OS 9 partition as usual i fixed it.... bad move on my part, the fix erased the "." (period) infront of "Boot OSX" and made it visable...
  2. J

    Boot OSX Partition has appeared.....

    would your explaination or advise differ if the OS X opperating system was installed on a seperate partition than the OS 9 system..... (remember when i ejected the "Boot OSX" partition my OS 9 partition ejected also) ps thanks!!
  3. J

    Boot OSX Partition has appeared.....

    Ok here it goes.... 1st, Boot up into OS 9.2 2nd, Restart Using Norton CD 3rd, Run Disk Doctor.... many probs found, all fixed 4th, Run Speed Disk light frag. on all disks, defrag. complete Ok so far.... Still booted off the Norton CD I go to the Start Up Disk and...
  4. J

    Boot OSX has appeared.....

    Ok here it goes.... 1st, Boot up into OS 9.2 2nd, Restart Using Norton CD 3rd, Run Disk Doctor.... many probs found, all fixed 4th, Run Speed Disk light frag. on all disks, defrag. complete Ok so far.... Still booted off the Norton CD I go to the Start Up Disk and...
  5. J

    ._files on NT Networks (invisable to the Mac)

    ok here's the question ..... why is it that every time i copy a file from my G4 350 onto our Windows NT network using SMB these ._files keep appearing, and i'm not talking about the .Trashes or the .DS_Store!!! Now on the Mac i can't see them, but on the unfortunate occasion i need to use a...