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  1. L

    Apple to Ship Mac OS X “Tiger” on April 29

    It is stated in the Tiger Media Exchange form that this program will only apply to the USA or Canada. This suggests that as a European inhabitant I cannot simply obtain the CDs using this Exchange program. I asked this question to AppleStore in Europe and currently they are now investigating...
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    Apple to Ship Mac OS X “Tiger” on April 29

    I notice that Tiger is shipped only on DVD and not on CDs. The Tiger Media Exchange program does not seem to apply outside the USA. That means that all European inhabitants that do not have a DVD drive are now forced to buy a new computer to install Tiger. This I find absurd. I hope buying an...
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    Help - my user account settings do not save!

    Thank you for your reply! It helped. I made a new "test" user and since that moment everything functions also for my other users! I now can enable/disable the admin privs also for my ordinary user "loek" etc. I guess that making a new account (and then later deleting it again) did the trick...
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    Help - my user account settings do not save!

    I have the following problem. I am on 10.3.2. I made for myself an ordinary user account to work in (called "loek"), so that I don't need to work all the time with admin privs. Under 10.2 I could just change all account settings (having been prompted for my admin password) but under Panther...
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    No identd in Panther?

    There has been a tip in maxosxhints to start fakeidentd from /System/Library/StartupItems (the tip says to start it from xinetd but that doesn't work, you must start it as a standalone daemon from the command line of from a startup item)...
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    Software Updates panel shows no logs

    My Installed Updates tab shows no list of updates, nor can I find a "Software Updates.log" file anywhere. I checked the rights of the /Library/Logs directory and they seem to be correct root:admin ug+rwx o+rx Does anybody have any idea on how I could have the installed software updates log file...
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    OS X security test failing: port 0 and port 1 in OS X cannot be made stealth

    Hi, When I portscan my computer from the Shields Up website, I receive a "failure" message showing I have only "closed" ports 0 and 1 and not "stealth". All my other ports are fine ("stealth"). It seems impossible to overcome this by adding rules in ipfw to close ports 0 and 1, this doesn´t...
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    UNIX Gurus please help: rename script

    YES. Thank you very very much, Scruffy and Brian! You did it! I will use the code in my Applescript Studio program called Split & Concat for its update 1.3 and I will put mention both your names in the about box. The update is to be expected end of this week at...
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    UNIX Gurus please help: rename script

    I have an output of a set of files named in alphabetic style, like filename.0aa, filename.0ab....filename0.zz and I want to rename these files into numeric style, like filename.001, filename.002 etc. This should be possible with a simple shell script. But I don't succeed. UNIX gurus please help...
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    ipfw problems; please help

    This is what I sometimes get (in the middle of the listing of the rules during ipfw startup process): /sbin/ipfw: setsockopt (IP_FW_ADD): no space left on device. So, no specific device is mentioned. I'm curious to see if this problem is solved with Jaguar.
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    ipfw problems; please help

    The firewall startup script is being executed just before the end of the boot process, I can see that in the OS X startup window. The "hang" is at a different point each time. I sometimes got a message while manually restarting ipfw that ipfw fails because there is "not enough room on device".
  12. L

    ipfw problems; please help

    I have the following startup problems with ipfw. I noticed that the firewall.conf rule set is not performed totally until the end during system startup. It hangs somewhere in the middle and the last rules are not performed. When I then manually start ipfw again (with sudo /sbin/ipfw -f flush...
  13. L

    Why is disk space of CD-R 40 MB smaller in OS X than in OS 9?

    If I want to burn a CD in OS X it says me the disk has 610 MB available (after inserting the disk and preparing it for burning). If I want to burn the same CD with Toast in OS 9, I have 654 MB available! I don't understand this difference. Does anybody else also have this problem? What should I...
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    SSH bus error after upgrade to 10.1.1

    After applying your workaround my problems have gone! Your replies are completely correct and very helpful. Thank you! Indeed I also wondered what this CCacheServer was doing. Strange, in the /usr/share/init/tcsh/logout file it is mentioned that this should NOT be run from the Terminal...
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    SSH bus error after upgrade to 10.1.1

    I always could ssh to my own ip number as the admin user without any problem. I can also work now without problems, but immediately after logout or exit I receive a notification "bus error" and a crash report. Doing ssh -v -v -v produces a lot of output that I can send you if you with but to me...
  16. L

    SSH bus error after upgrade to 10.1.1

    Hello all, Maybe some of you have this same problem. I always use SSH as ordinary user to login as root user to work in the Terminal on root level. Since the 10.1.1 upgrade I always get a "bus error" while exiting as root user in the Terminal. I run OpenSSH_2.9.9p2, OpenSSL 0x0090602f. The...