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  1. M

    I got a PC a month ago...

    Hello, I got a PC a month ago this week. its the first PC i have ever owned. i gotta say i am impressed. i have been writing about my experiences both good and bad. please check out my site: i try and post a couple things a day. wether it is about Mac or...
  2. M

    Do you like the dock?

    i have my dock on the lower right, and DragThing on the upper left of my TiBook. i could do away with the dock except for some specific uses it has, that i have grown very accustom to since using OS X. i like icon notifications such as when Entourage has new mail, or when an app wants to get...
  3. M

    [HOWTO] - Password protect Apache folders

    what i do on my server to eleviate the need for .htpasswd and .htaccess files (for user authentication) is use thise code in the httpd.conf file (or what i like to do, include it, so it is nice and neat: Alias /dev "/Volumes/Contents 2/Development" <Directory "/Volumes/Contents...
  4. M

    .htaccess - Can't Create

    here is another link someone on this board put together
  5. M

    .htaccess - Can't Create

    i dont know that the file HAS to be made at the command line, but it should, it just makes things easier. you have prolly never used a command line text editor, pico is about as light wight as you can get. the ternminal (unix shell) is not that hard to grasp, and as apple has made the tcsh...
  6. M

    What shareware apps have you registered?

    i have payed for a lot of shareware, but i actually use it. WindowShade X FruitMenu DragThing DefaultFolder X OmniWeb SNAX A Better Finder Rename X ChronoSync Super Get Info The Little Dutch Moose - clean OSXS log files (you have prolly never head of this, look it up on versiontracker.
  7. M

    Name Your Greatest Desires (features in X)

    - location manager support (such that is in OS 9) - energy saver support (such that it is in OS 9) - Apple needs to hire the guy who writes SNAX, cuz that fofils almost all my wishes for the OS X Finder
  8. M

    Setting up htpasswd

    here is a good tute on htaccess. the latter half talks about using the /etc/passwd file, wich is nice. tale a look at this: another way to do this is not using htaccess/htpasswd at all. you can add this directive to your main...
  9. M

    AppleScript front end to a shell script?

    hello, i have this shell script that is working very well, and i would like to make it double clickable. i would like to use an AppleScript GUI for it. the script is commented to hell, this is b/c the admins that will use it are not very unix savvy. right now i have it in the unix path...
  10. M

    I've Gone Blind!

    unless it is a 2001 iBook you are stuck at 8x6 screen rez. the clam shell ibooks cannot go higher. its a hardware issue. dont think there is software than can help ya. the 2001 iBook has a native rez of 1024.
  11. M

    ICQ 3.0 for OSX

    Tigger, i agree. it is nice that you get a dialog box the first time you open up BBEdit. i just wish there was an easy way to express this feature request to adobe (as i am not a beta tester for photoshop 7). ICQ should also have the option, i have emailed them about it asking them.
  12. M

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    boomw, its a 200 MB installer! im afraid thats too big to post. look for it on any of the bloated p2p networks like hotline or limewire.
  13. M

    iPod Case

    you might want to go over to the OWC Pod Protector page. they look very nice, and have a handy belt clip.
  14. M

    ICQ 3.0 for OSX

    has anyone noticed that Command - H brings up History (like the OS 9 version). this is OS X, command-h is used to hide the app damitl the history shortcut could be cmd-shift-h for all i care. what the hell happened to standards? photoshop 7 also uses command-h for hide/show selection. i...
  15. M

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    hi, i would argue that 6.5 sounds better, but there are enough new features to warrent an entire number. as for why IR is up to v. 7, maybe for simplicity. i am using build 43 right now. the new file browser is kick ass, very usefull. this is a major addition, and probably why it is...
  16. M

    I want my second, third, fourth, and fifth mouse button

    hi, i personally like the Kensington Optical Pro. you can find one on ebay for about $20, its a $40 mouse. it DOES have drivers and MouseWorks software for OS 10.1. i use mine all the time, its a shame it doesnt have all the features that the OS 9 version of the software does, but none the...
  17. M

    where to get php4 for macosx

    hi, i thought that php 4.06 is installed with OSXS 10.1. i could be wrong, i am not in front of my server right now. have you ever heard of Stepwise? they have a few articles about PHP and the latest builds of Apache as well. check out the information on that site. if you want a...
  18. M

    Max OSX / UltraDev / Database

    hi, go to apple's OSXS Solutions page . that is were i would look for info about ASP on non IIS servers. there is an apachie mod for ASP i know that. i have never delt with ASP on an OS X box, only setup UD with a NT box. thats all the help i can give ya, sorry. have you asked the UD...
  19. M

    I've got a great idea: The Complete Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs.

    ... and experienced OS X'rs alike can be had over at its called OS X Guidebook2, there is a link on the main page under Site Information. check it out.
  20. M

    10.1 New and Hidden Features

    at first i found this not to work as well, but i did some experimenting and it happens that the space bar will select the button with the gray (or blue) highlite around it.