I've got a great idea: The Complete Tips, Tricks and Easter Eggs.


I'm 1/4 Basque you know?...
If we all pull together we can make this very handy for all of us.

I have written a tiny .rtf file (TextEdit makes these files so ALL can amend, append and delete) that has a very basic format and layout for every Tip, Trick or hidden feature.

All you have to do is download the .rtf file then just add to it with your own little tips. And then reply and make sure you ATTACH the new version with your added files.

I have made Bold headers, like Finder , QuickTime etc. That way you can quickly look up what you want.

If we all add to it, then all a newcomer needs to do is just go to the latest page and download that version. This should work out really well.

Just make sure that you check you have the latest version as you could be adding your bits and someone else might just have done the same!!!

The file is zipped so you'll need stuffit expander to decode it. Then you'll need DropZip to re-encode it. This forum doesn't allow .rtf attachments.


I can't get your file to open.

I've had this problem before but can't remember the solution (can anyone enlighten me please?)

Basically it downloads a file called attachment.php onto my desktop, and will open as mad text string in textedit.:eek:
did you drag and drop onto stuffit expander or similar decompression device? ussually it translates thse improper encodings when you do this rather than just click on file. I keep an expander alias on my desktop just because this seems to happen so often these days.

good luck on this project. sounds like it will be chaotic but well worth it if it succedes. sorry i'm the new guy without any real tips or tricks except how to open a poorly encoded download.
Originally posted by uoba
I can't get your file to open.

I've had this problem before but can't remember the solution (can anyone enlighten me please?)

Basically it downloads a file called attachment.php onto my desktop, and will open as mad text string in textedit.:eek:

I used DropZip from the 6.5 version folder of stuffit expander. Use stuffit expander 6.5

If there is still a problem, please let me know.