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  1. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    lol, thanks man, this is the best help i've ever gotten when it comes to anything related to unix
  2. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    that works now too! % sudo -s Password: :~ root# whoami root :~ root#
  3. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Now, root is the only "System Administrator" $ niutil -list . /users 11 nobody 12 13 daemon 14 unknown 15 lp 16 postfix 17 www 18 eppc 19 mysql 20 sshd 21 qtss 22 cyrusimap 23 mailman 24 appserver 25...
  4. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    alright, well I was able to get rid of the user named with *'s but the two blank users I can't destroy. the first time I ran the destroy command on a blank user it acted like it destroyed it but then i list the users and they still show up... so I try to destroy again and this time it says...
  5. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    I see which ones to "destroy" but the command doesn't work, there are two blank users and one with "*"s
  6. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    % sudo niutil -destroy 12 niutil: insufficient number of arguments for -destroy usage: niutil -create [opts] <domain> <path> niutil -destroy [opts] <domain> <path> niutil -createprop [opts] <domain> <path> <propkey> [<val>...] niutil -appendprop...
  7. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    i believe he can :)
  8. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    here ya go: { "name" = ( "users" ); { "name" = ( "nobody" ); "uid" = ( "-2" ); "realname" = ( "Unprivileged User" ); "home" = ( "/var/empty" ); }, { "uid" = ( "0" ); "home" = ( "/var/root" ); "realname" = ( "System Administrator" ); }, { "name" = ( "daemon" ); "uid" = ( "1" )...
  9. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    I have that entry, it looks exactly the same, and there aren't any duplicates. /var/root is the home so, I'm good to go? I might as well back up anyway, what's the best program or method for backing up? and where's the best place to find applications for x11?
  10. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    According to BjarneDM, there should be no passwd entry for root? The nobody user looks just like Bjarne told me it should. What happens now when I switch to root is this: there's no user name at all :~ jordan$ sudo -s Password: :~ # whoami :~ # what's a good way to test if I have...
  11. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    where's a good place to get more .dmg files with unix programs that have been ported to mac for x11?
  12. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    I just closed X11, and then re-opened it and then when I loaded Gimp, it started installing and it works!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) It wasn't installed, or at least not in applications/utilities/ 2) the plist files weren't there, but there is one now that I installed x11 3) ok 4) so I don't need to do anything with fink? 5) that command just displayed my trash, which is mostly a bunch of mp3s, what are you looking...
  14. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Yeah, I don't want to play around with root I just want to install some unix programs. I was about to download Fink at one point, but I think at that time I was about ready to give up on trying to install gimp, AGAIN, trying to find all the different developer's tools. I have installed XCode...
  15. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    The same thing happens, comes up with the Xfree86 screen and then Gimp loads after I pick an option but the only menu option is to quit. what's up with that? ?
  16. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    I'm sorry man, I am trying to tell you exactly what I'm doing, and I'm thankful for all your help. I have installed gimp and darwinports before using the .dmg files, but they don't seem to work. I don't know if it has to do with the X11 stuff, but when I load here's what happens: {A...
  17. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    " sudo -s Password: cpe-65-189-144-14:~ nobody$ "
  18. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1)That didn't happen! 2)Yes, I typed the commands exactly as you gave them 3)That's where I decided to install it, should I install it to /darwinports? I don't like installing programs in the root dir. ---------------------------------------------------- 0) The only thing I changed was...
  19. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    1) I have no idea if darwinports is installed, I would tell you if i knew. 2)-rw-rw-rw- 1 jordan staff 12292 Nov 3 15:52 .DS_Store 3) /Applications/darwinports/bin /Applications/darwinports/sbin 3) /bin/bash
  20. S

    I deleted the root user! Help!

    Ok, I typed every command in your tutorial up through "sudo port selfupdate". Here's the error I got when I typed that command: "sudo: port: command not found"