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  1. D

    Mac Genius's Are Bs!!!

    As for Apple Repair sucking, my experience has been quite to the opposite, that is after I changed stores. I will also say, every experience I have had with tech support has been better than I have had with Windows based support. As for the mac, have you opened it up and checked all of the...
  2. D

    Web Browser Connection Problems

    Thanks for the info. I didn't think of the cache thing because it was happening to all of my browsers. Clearing the cache out actually resolved the issue.
  3. D

    Web Browser Connection Problems

    I recently started having a problem connecting to the internet via any browser and I have been wracking my brain to no avail to fix the issue. The computer connects to the internet fine, as I can still use AIM and play WOW on it without a problem. Any web browser I use cannot find the web...